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By Richard Trionfo on 2011-08-11 22:51:24
We start off this week’s show with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Jack Korpela and Matt Striker.

Match Number One: Ted DiBiase versus Trent Barreta

Barreta with chops to Ted but Ted with a shoulder tackle. Trent with a running back elbow and then he goes up top and he comes off but he is met with a drop kick from Ted for a near fall.

We see Cody watching from the back. Ted chokes Trent in the corner and then runs his boot across Trent’s face. Ted with a snap mare followed by a kick to the head and he gets a near fall. Trent with a punch and then he avoids the short rebound clothesline and Trent gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Ted gets a near fall and then he punches Trent.

Ted with a reverse chin lock but Trent with a kick and he tries for a sunset flip but Ted will not go over and Ted with a kick. Ted with a delayed vertical suplex to Trent for a near fall. Ted with an elbow to the top of the head followed by a reverse chin lock. Trent tries to get to his feet and he succeeds. Ted with knees and then he tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Trent lands on his feet and he chops Ted and follows it with an enzuigiri. Ted with the short rebound clothesline and he gets a near fall. Ted sets for Dream Street but Trent counters with a rollup and then he hits a flying knee. Ted goes to the floor to stop Trent’s momentum. Trent with a flip dive onto Ted and both men are down on the floor.

Trent sends Ted back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Trent with a running back elbow into the corner and then he tries for a springboard move but he misses and Ted gets a near fall. Ted runs into boots from Trent and then he goes up top again but Ted pulls Trent off and then Ted hits Dream Street for the three count.

Winner: Ted DiBiase

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Alicia Fox versus Tamina

Tamina side steps Alicia and then she has something to say to Alicia. They lock up and Alicia with a snap mare and a kick. Tamina sends Alicia into the corner but Alicia with an elbow followed by a rollup. Tamina with a kick and then she grabs Alicia by the hair and sends her to the mat. Tamina chokes Alicia in the ropes.

Tamina slams Alicia’s head to the mat and then she applies a reverse chin lock. Tamina with a diving head butt and she gets a near fall. Tamina with a rear chin lock but Alicia with an elbow to the midsection to try to escape the hold. Tamina with a knee but Alicia with a flying shoulder and drop kicks for a near fall. Alicia with forearms followed by a kick. Tamina gets Alicia up for a Samoan drop but Alicia with elbows to escape and then she hits a scissors kick for the three count.

Winner: Alicia Fox

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Raw portion of the show and your announcers are Scott Stanford and Josh Mathews.

Match Number Three: Brodus Clay versus Aaron James

Clay with a few punches followed by an elbow drop and then he puts his weight James’ back. Clay with a punch and then he uses the ring post for extra leverage. Clay with a forearm to the back and then he connects with a forearm to the back of the head. Clay with a running power slam and he pulls James up after a two count. Clay with an Irish whip and then he hits a splash into the corner followed by a cross body for the three count.

Winner: Brodus Clay . . . Flawless Victory

We go to commercial.

We are back with the CM Punk/John Cena hype video package.

We run through the FOUR matches that have been announced for SummerSlam on Sunday.

Match Number Four: Santino Marella and Evan Bourne versus David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty in a Non Title Match

Otunga and Santino start off and Santino teases a kick or two. Otunga with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. They lock up and Otunga with another side head lock. Santino tries to escape and he almost gets out but Otunga is able to hold on to the side head lock. Otunga with another shoulder tackle and Otunga poses. They lock up again and Otunga with another side head lock.

Santino with a top wrist lock and side head lock and a shoulder tackle that takes David to the mat. They lock up and Santino works on the arm and he tags in Bourne who double stomps the arm and then he takes Otunga down with an arm drag. Bourne with an arm bar and he tags in Santino and Santino with a shot to the arm from the turnbuckles. Santino with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Santino with another near fall.

Bourne tags back in and Santino with a drop toe hold and Bourne with a baseball slide to Otunga’s head. Otunga with an elbow and punch and Michael tags in and he punches Bourne. Michael with a kick to the midsection and then he sends Bourne into the corner. Michael with a hard Irish whip for a near fall. Bourne with a kick to the leg but Michael with a knee of his own. Michael with a snap suplex for a near fall.

Otunga tags back in and Michael with a running back elbow but Bourne misses the splash by Otunga. Bourne misses a knee in the corner and Otunga chokes Bourne. Michael punches him as we go to commercial.

We are back and Santino misses the diving head butt. Otunga with an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. He punches Santino and he sends Santino into Michael’s boot. Michael with a boot to the midsection and then he hits a back breaker for a near fall. Michael with a forearm to the back and then he pulls Santino to the center of the ring. Michael with an elbow drop for a near fall. He then puts Santino in a reverse chin lock.

Santino gets to his feet and then Michael sends Santino to the mat. Otunga tags in and he hits a running back elbow for a near fall. Otunga with a short arm clothesline and then he stands over Santino. Otunga with another short arm clothesline for another near fall. Otunga with a rear chin lock and he puts his knee in Santino’s back.

Santino goes to the wrong corner for the tag and Otunga with a clothesline. Michael tags in and he works on Santino’s eyes with his boot. Santino with an inside cradle for a near fall. Michael with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Michael with a knee to the back and then he puts Santino in an arm bar. Otunga tags back in and Michaels sends Santino into him for a clothesline and a near fall.

Santino punches Otunga and then hits a split Stunner. Bourne and Michael tag in and Bourne with a rana followed by a few leaping leg lariats and a double knee to the head. Bourne sends Otunga to the floor and then he hits a crucifix driver for a near fall. Bourne goes up top while Otunga pulls Michael to the floor. Bourne with a splash and then he connects with a knee.

Santino tags in and he sets up with his Cobra sleeve. Santino hits Otunga with the cobra even though he is on the apron and not in the match. Michael with a running neck breaker for the three count.

Winners: David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty

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