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By Dave Scherer on 2011-06-27 09:34:00
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I am starting to see the same pattern develop in TNA that happened in WWE.  Matt does something stupid, gets disciplined and then takes to the internet to try and make himself seem like a victim.  Last year, we had the bizarre video in the UK when he was not allowed to work on a show.  Now, we have him taking to Twitter begging fans to say they missed him at last weekend's house shows, which he was suspended from appearing on.  Is he nuts?  Is he on his way out of TNA now too?

I don't know if he is nuts but in my opinion he certainly isn't very politically savvy.  Whenever you do something that forces your employer to take action against you, the smart thing to do is to consider what you have done and reflect on it.  You don't have to agree with them but you do owe them the respect of being the people that pay you.  The childish thing to do is react impulsively and make yourself out to be the victim.  If I was suspended by my boss the last thing I would do is go on the internet and try to make them look bad the way that he did.  Begging for people to send him stories of asking for refunds "because Matt wasn't there" was a really selfish and unprofessional thing to do from where I stand.  Whether he agreed with being suspended or not isn't even the issue.  Putting himself above his company and making them look bad is.  Something else I noticed with this situation, in addition to what you mentioned, was that we are already seeing the Matt will not be held back and the greatest things are ahead statements.  That pattern preceded his ouster from WWE and could do the same from TNA if he doesn't reign himself back in, learn from the suspension and move on.  Whether he will do that, or even whether he wants to do that, is totally up to him.  And for the record Matt, before you go nuts on Twitter, I didn't say you were on your way out of TNA so don't misconstrue it.

During a Chris Jericho/HBK ladder match last year, the end saw both men having a sort of tug of war with the belt so it was obvious the first person to let go would lose. What would have happened if Jericho would have accidentally leg go of the belt so HBK would have won?

HBK would have won!  Seriously, the company counts on pros to not make those mistakes but if it had happened, and HBK clearly won, there wouldn't be anything they could do other than award him the match and go from there.

Hey guys, this isn't really a question, but I would like your opinion on it. Why do so many complain of John Cena's "5 moves of Doom", when every top babyface in history has had "5 moves of Doom", Hulk Hogan, Hulked up, hit a few punches then a big boot or a bodyslam and the Legdrop and that was that. HBK - Flying forearm, Nip Up, Atomic Drop, Body Slam, Flying Elbow, Sweet Chin Music. Austin, Batista, Rock, Triple H, Macho Man, Bret Hart all had theirs. I don't get why so many people get on Cena's back when the stars that you and I grew up watching did the same things.

In the case of Hogan, we complained too, believe me.  In the case of Cena, people complain because of a few reasons.  One, his repertoire is so limited that it seems like he doesn't know many more moves than the five.  More importantly though, he almost always wins so when you see those five moves, you know he is about to win.  Again.  And it gets boring after a while.

Does Santino Marella still have a chance at being any type of champion (World Heavyweight, IC, US, World Tag Team) in the future or is he done as a champion in the WWF/E??

I could see him getting the tag title again.  Maybe he could get the IC or the US belt in a fluke kind of match since he is a comedy performer.  I don't see any chance of him getting one of the two major belts.

Do people really believe that their "votes" made any difference in what was already planned on Raw? lol (Don't you know they always have an arm wrestling table with them…lol)

They do now that WWE admitted all of the problems that they had.  And to be fair, if they know that an arm wrestling match is an option, they will make sure they have a table in case it wins.  WWE brings pretty much all of their different props to all of the shows in case they need them.  That's why you will see a fleet of WWE tractor trailers at the televised events.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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