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By Dave Scherer on 2011-06-13 10:00:00
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What's the status of Chris Harris? Was he just used on a trial basis like Chyna was?

As best as we can tell, yes.  He didn't exactly show up in tremendous shape.

Why is it that when a new wrestler appears, and he is touted as being a heel of some proportions, why is it that in their debut match they always seem to face a nobody, or some jobber? I mean, wouldn't you think that if this heel were so fearsome and dominating, that they would face someone that people would be impressed that they beat? When Mahal beat Tatsu in his debut match…so what? But had he beaten a name..that might have shown me something. I just wonder why they do this.

It's called building the drama.  New guys need to develop a following before getting big matches.

Considering Eric Bischoff has his own production company, with Jason Hervey, then how is Impact's production so awful? Crowd noise added in, and sometimes not even cheers/boo's, just general noise. Quick camera angles, theme music hitting within 1 second of someone calling someone out, commentary blatantly sounding like it was done in a studio. Things like this just make me not want to watch, regardless of who they have wrestling, its just horrible.

That doesn't really fall on Bischoff.  TNA has their own producer and TV crew and they edit the shows after the fact.  Bischoff isn't usually even in town when the post-production is being done.  To be fair, Bischoff has been helpful and suggested improvements to the production of TNA since coming in.

How would you assess the signings TNA have made since Bischoff/Hogan's arrival, as in what they have added to the TV programming as a whole. Ric Flair? RVD? Jeff Hardy? Mr. Anderson?

I look at numbers and with the exception of some merchandising deals, I see the company doing the same business now that they did before, at a higher cost.  To me, that tells me that they could be doing the same business for less money.  In the case of Flair, there is only so much you can do with him at this point in his career but I think that they could have gotten a lot more out of the other three than they have if they had booked them better. 

Would you consider Vince McMahon a genius (a scholar in a single subject)?

I don't know him well enough to answer that about anything except the wrestling business.  A lot of people call him a genius where wrestling is concerned and how you define genius would determine how you feel about that.  Those who make the case that he is point to the fact that he took the business national, has made a lot of money and was the last man standing.  I give him credit for all of that, but I also see how he got passed by WCW in the 90s and has left a lot of money on the table (such as with the WCW Invasion angle) and I can't call him a genius when I consider that.  But he does make all of the rules so he doesn't really care what I think.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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