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By Dave Scherer on 2011-05-15 10:00:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Why do you think WWE is so good at creating heat magnets in non wrestlers (Cole, Vickie) but can't get that kind of audience reaction for any of their heels that actually wrestle?

I think it all comes down to the fact that with Cole and Vickie they are given the chance to go out there and garner real heel heat while the actual wrestlers are not.  I don't know why WWE creative doesn't see this, but for the most part they don't.  The Miz has been able to get heat from the crowd, and CM Punk does as well when they let him, but no other heel really has.  And they wonder why they don't have many top guys and need to create new ones.  There's a reason right there!

Daniel Bryan: I don't get it. I don't get to see any of the indies, but I had read for quite some time about what a great wrestler Bryan Danielson was..rated as one of the best in the world today, capable of so many different holds. But in all the time he has been in WWE, I have not yet seen much impressive from him, and he keeps just using that one hold. So what is the deal; is he as good as people say he is and the WWE is not letting him do what he can do, or has he just been overrated?

Yes he is.  Get some DVDs of him from Ring Of Honor at and you will see how great he is, and could be if WWE let him. 

Here's something I don't get. Big Show has his Knockout punch? If he can really knock out someone with that one punch…why does he not use it more? It makes it seem like all his matches run too long, because then, what is the difference between a knockout punch and a regular one? And why would he use a regular one when he could use the knockout one?

This is cardinal rule number one of Sports Entertainment, "When things make no logical sense don't ask because your question will never be answered".

The whole Kharma thing. She looked way more intimidating in TNA, She doesn't seem like such a big deal now, except for her size. And I think what is ruining it for me is the very forced, very comical way she has been portrayed. She has been on twice now, once with Michelle McCool cowering, and then Kelly Kelly. COME ON! Why would they have not just gotten out of the ring when they saw her coming? Even Maryse saw her coming and did not move! It just seems soooooo dumb! Do you have any idea where they are going with this. what are their plans for her?

Where logic issues are concerned, see the rule above. It's wrestling, it's drama, it's storytelling.  They don't use logic in those instances.  You are just expected to accept it.   As for Kharma, thus far she has looked pretty intimidating to me.  I can see why Bubba The Love Sponge wanted no part of her when she was ticked at him.

Is the "Mediocre Rise and Fall of TNA Wrestling" DVD being developed as we speak? I know this is beating a dead horse, but what's going on now in TNA reminds me of the "Fall" period of WCW so much. Why doesn't Dixie Carter understand this?

Ouch.  Obviously, Vince can't make the DVD until he acquires the rights to TNA footage, if that ever happens, but I get your point.  I think that it's hard for Dixie because she doesn't come from the business and doesn't have the background needed to understand what works and what shouldn't make the light of day on TV.  The wrestling business is so unique that if a person doesn't fully grasp what the product is, it's easy to miss what is campy good and what is just horrible.  The sad part is that she has a lot of people in her employ that know the difference and they either have forgotten what that was, are just out for themselves and getting their stuff over or have just gotten tired of fighting the fight to make the product what it should be.  What makes it so frustrating is that they have so many positive things in place, including a great roster of talent.  They could be doing so much more with it if they made some changes.  The worst thing that could happen to the industry is for them to go out of business, have WWE buy their assets and make that DVD.   

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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