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By Dave Scherer on 2011-05-11 10:00:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Vince McMahon said on the stockholder's call that it takes a while for new young talent to get over. Who are these people he is talking about?

That is a really good question.  Vince has talked a lot about pushing new people to the top but yet right now John Cena and Randy Orton once again hold the titles.  To me, both are what I call "made men".  They are already established as top guys.  The belts are not needed by them, at least not all the time.  To me, it makes more sense to use them to elevate guys and then let other people work in the title feud.  That way, you have TWO programs on each show that are presented as top feuds.  To me, it's just common sense to do it and until they do there will be a very thin group at the top of the cards.

Is WWE so myopic that they can't see that Randy Orton did NOT NEED to get the World Title?

I think they are to be honest.  As I mentioned above, I think Orton is past needing the title, especially as quickly as he got it once he went to Smackdown.  It doesn't mean he should never have the belt but to take it off of Christian two days after he won it and immediately put it on Orton was just a really bad call to me.  I haven't seen the spoilers for this week as I type this but I really hope that they can turn this into a positive for Christian.

Hulk Hogan sued Wells Fargo because he wasn't smart enough to make sure he had enough insurance on his vehicles.  He blamed them for it, even though he knew what a bad driver his son Nick was.  My question is does Hogan ever take any of the blame for anything he does?

He put his ex-wife Linda in charge of making sure he and his family were insured.  Wells Fargo said they sent FOUR letters to the family recommending that they increase their coverage and she didn't.  So of course, he sued Wells Fargo.  It made no sense to me either.  I can't speak for everything in his life but in my opinion he sure didn't take responsibility here.  To me, if a person is able to function (and Hogan certainly is) then they are responsible for themselves.  He knew how much money he had.  He knew his son liked to street race (which translates to drive recklessly).  To me, HE should have made sure he had the proper coverage to protect his assets.

Do you agree that TNA needs to make the TV Title relevant on PPVs?

It wouldn't hurt but honestly I think they need to make the PPVs themselves more relevant.  Far too often they are largely presented as an afterthought.  Given their potential to be a revenue source I think they should put more focus on them than they do.

How much longer do you think they will have Cody Rhodes in that mask?

Until it's no longer effective.  As long as it's working, like it is now, they will keep it going.  Hopefully, they don't keep it going past its expiration date.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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