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By Mike Johnson on 2011-04-10 10:00:00
Was there ever a fear for Dwayne Johnson reprising his The Rock persona at Wrestlemania that it possibly could effect his wrestling career? To somehow damage what has been a very successful and popular movie career. To work very hard to leave his career in wrestling behind him and focus exclusively on his talents as an actor only to be thrust back into his previous vocation. Two steps forward three steps back. Opinion?

There was no fear from Johnson's end on returning to wrestling. If anything, he's going to use the business as a way to rehab his image away from family friendly and back towards the harder edged action star that he first was when he made his way into the Hollywood world. Now that he's been accepted as a Hollywood actor, he can go back and have fun with wrestling again. It's that simple.

With reports stating of a possibility that Brock Lesnar might return to WWE I was wondering. Has Lesnar ever expressed any interest in signing with TNA? Has Lesnar ever stated how he felt about TNA and whether he would be interested in signing with them?

Lesnar and TNA had informal talks in the past but nothing came of them. If he's going to work in wrestling, it's going to be for the top dollar and that dollar is WWE.

I read where there was a possibility of Snookie remaining with WWE after Wrestlemania depending on whether the rest of the cast of The Jersey Shore resigns for another year. If she does will she be required to seek training for possibly wrestling in future matches? What has been the general feeing toward her among her fellow Divas and others?

Let's not insult the Divas and say Snooki is one of them. She isn't. There's very little chance she will remain working for WWE full time. She commands a $32,000 appearance fee right now just to appear at parties. She's not going to give up easy money to work a much harder WWE road. I know everyone in the company got along with her and would be open to doing more with her but she's never going to morph into a regular on the programming.

On a recent TNA Impact! Pope Dinero had in the ring three shills. One in particular was in a wheelchair. How did they get the guy in the ring while in a wheelchair? Forklift? I seem to recall seeing Vickie Guerrero in a wheelchair in the ring as well. How did they do that?

They put the wheelchair in and then they got in the ring and sat down in the wheelchair.

On a recent episode of Superstars at the end of the six women tag team match one of the Bella Twins flashed an L on her forehead toward Diva Champion Eve Torres signifying Loser. I remember seeing TNA Knockout Sarita doing the same thing. When LayCool comes out they turn their backs to the audience. Prior to them doing that TNA's The Beautiful People Angelina Love and Velvet Sky were noted for doing the same thing. Coincidence?

Considering the Lay-Cool personas were created after the Beautiful People, it's easy to point out where Creative got their inspiration.

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