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By Dave Scherer on 2011-03-07 10:00:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Do you think WWE will go with Punk vs. Orton as a singles match at Mania, or do you think they will go with Punk and Nexus vs. Orton, Morrison and others who have been taken out by Nexus? Given the propensity of WWE to try and include as many workers as possible at Mania, I could see a big tag match.

I hope not.  Orton and Punk have earned the right to be featured in a top tier singles match and I don't think that they should have to share their personal stage with anyone.  I certainly think Morrison and others have earned a spot on the show, but not in that match.

Since WrestleMania 28 is set to be in Miami next year is there a chance The Rock will be a headliner candidate for the Hall of Fame? Also do you see WWE releasing a DVD Documentary on his life and career?

Obviously whenever he decides to be inducted all he has to do is say the word.  Miami would be the perfect place to do it and I wondered the same thing when they announced the date.  I would think there would be a good chance of him doing it.  I also think it's a no-brainer that they will release at least one DVD on him.  Hell, they could do one on his great promos alone. 

Now that the HDNet deal is up for ROH, does Jim Cornette still work there? Also, off- subject but, what are the pros and cons of having your company affiliated with the NWA in this era? I get it that, most companies use the lineage to promote being affiliated with the NWA. But, what are the real pros and cons?

As far as I know Jim will stay on. I hope he does since he brings a lot to the table for them.  As for the NWA, in this day and age I agree, there really isn't much left to using the name other than the link to the past that comes along with it.  That is the only real positive that I can think of.

Guys in TNA who are considered young talent who need to be pushed are in their early-mid 30s.(AJ,Pope, Joe, Roode, Kaz, Matt Morgan and, others.) What I'm asking is, isn't the time NOW to really elevate these guys before they get to deep off in there 30s and you have an even smaller window of seeing them at a BIG TIME Level? It just seems as if the guys in TNA are in there PRIME and, not in there Rookie years they are seasoned and READY! Too me, late 30s isn't old but, not young either especially considering that the leader WWE is going with under-30 talent.

You would think so.  A big problem TNA faces is that they have a lot of hands in their business.  Spike TV has a lot of influence on the product and the executives there want names they know, which tend to be older or WWE releases.  That is why you see some of the people being pushed that you do.  Yes, I would like to see younger guys get more of a push than some of the older ones but there is more to it than just what makes sense, unfortunately.

After watching the RAW EC match last night, I was in shock that Cena would win it (especially with the Rock back). Throughout the match it became painfully obvious that John Morrison was putting the most into the match, going trough 2/3 of the chambers he was shoved into, falling 20 feet from the ceiling, and so many other of his amazing moves. And Punk gave us a nice pic of his leg sliced open after the match. So why would they have Cena win when he clearly did not deserve it?

If you were shocked than sadly, you haven't noticed the obvious pattern.  Cena is the guy in WWE and as much as I wanted to see someone else going for the title at Mania, it just wasn't going to happen.  The sad part is, I think it would actually help both Cena and WWE if they made him vulnerable from time to time instead of ramming him down our throats.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.


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