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By Dave Scherer on 2011-03-02 10:00:00

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Although I have my own opinion of Rock's appearance on Raw last night, I had to wonder: he looks in great shape..does he look bigger than he used to or do I just not remember?

He looked great but he actually looked a little lighter to me than he has in the past.  He has dropped weight since he became an actor since he doesn't need to be overly large to be a movie star.

Why does it seem WWE is deliberately trying to bury Daniel Bryan, or at least tamp down on the excitement fans have for him? I know it is part of Cole's heel persona, but constantly calling someone a "nerd", "dork", "boring", etc. makes people view him that way. And who wants to pay money to watch a dorky, boring guy wrestle?

I think it's a goofy way to book him too but they would counter that Cole is a heel, so him ripping on Bryan puts him over.  They would add that they have had three hot women want to be with him, so his "dork" persona works for him.  I agree with you, they could be booking him way better than they are.  I would love to see him be a silent but violent kind of guy, not saying much and letting his great work in the ring do the talking for him.

What does Randy Orton have that has made him such a huge face except for the fact he RKOs everyone (like Stone Cold lite)? He's still robotic in his promos, his 'Viper' stuff annoys me and he never seems to put anyone over, just like Cena. What am I missing?

He has a huge fan in Vince McMahon, and that is the most necessary thing anyone in that company needs to have to get pushed.  With that said, he gets huge pops so the crowd obviously identifies with him.  I think there is a whole lot more that Orton can tap into as gets older.

I was watching Impact, and during the close upsd after the eight-knockout tag match I realized that in terms of looks Winter could play the role of Dixie Carter's daughter very well. Is this a way to appeal to the British audience, or a chance for a tacky Vince Russo storyline do you think??

So what, you want Dixie to be a teenage mother?  I don't think she would want any part of that.  I believe she is only 16 years older than Winter.  I think doing that storyline would be ridiculous and hokey.

Was Mike Tenay getting a dig in at Matt Hardy's gut / size on Impact last Thursday? When he attacked RVD at the end, Tenay seemed to emphasise that Hardy was using "ALL OF THAT WEIGHT" when he jumped on RVD's leg.

I think Mike was just pointing out that RVD's knee was vulnerable at that point.  He isn't usually one to make those kind of cracks. 

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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