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By Dave Scherer on 2011-02-21 10:00:00

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Why did The Rock rip on John Cena on Raw last week?

Back in February 2008 Cena was promoting a movie and while doing so, he was asked, if the flick was a hit, if he would leave for Hollywood like The Rock did when his career took off.  Cena could have just said something like "No because I love wrestling" but he went further and made a number of derogatory comments about Rock, questioned his love of the business, etc.  It got to the point where he talked about Rock so much that people were wondering if Rock was coming back for a Mania match.  He wasn't, obviously, but Cena started to challenge him to do so.  To me, Cena was out of line. It was like when Hogan called out Steve Austin for a match before ever talking about it with Austin first. That is not how you do business.  So, Cena at least had that receipt coming from Rock.  Personally, I am hoping for more of them.  

You were asked, which wrestlers come to mind when considering talent that was unable to overcome a poor gimmick, despite their skill in the ring and/or delivering promos/personality? You responded: The one that jumps right out at me is Dusty Rhodes in the WWF. That polka dot gimmick had no right to get over, but he did it. That has to be the top one. Everyone else is fighting for second place. That doesn't answer the question, which was who was UNable to overcome a bad gimmick, not who succeeded in getting a bad gimmick over.

My bad.  I will go with Terry Taylor and The Red Rooster.  That buried him.

WWE should do a WrestleMania angle where Miz, as the WWE champion, faces John Morrison for the Title with The Rock helping Morrison to win his first world title. Would that be a great WrestleMania moment?

If done properly yeah it would.  I don't think it will happen though.

Ok now its just getting corny. When are we going to find out who the GM of Raw is? Who do you think it is? Who do you think it should be?

I am typing this on Sunday so provided it isn't explained tonight, I have to say I don't know when it will be explained.  The only person that makes any sense at this point is Michael Cole.  I hope they end is soon.  It has gone on way too long.

Is it just me, or do you find it kind of silly that they are putting so much attention on WM 28 NEXT year, when we haven't even had WM 27 THIS year??

Actually, it's smart.  Major organizations like the NFL, The Olympics and The World Cup announce their locales in advance as well.  It builds excitement and is a good PR move.  Plus, it's six weeks until Mania.  They haven't stepped on this year's toes at all.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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