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By Dave Scherer on 2011-02-14 10:00:00
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Why is it that a lot of reporters and other people in the biz want to push all the young talent so quickly? I like the youth movement as it creates a certain sense of competition. Although I still think there are great talent in there early 30s through up to mid 40s. The reason I ask is because when Flair was on top, Dusty, Hogan and, others I didn't hear anyone talking about how guys were to old or washed up. I know in WCW at the end they did but, it seems as if everything from the past had older guys and no one complained really so why now?

Back when those guys were on top, there wasn't an internet where people talk the way that they do today.  With that said, the reason people like myself (I can't and woke speak for anyone else) call for new talent to be pushed, in WWE especially, is that some of guys have been on top there for so long and rammed down out throat to the point of boring me.  John Cena has been doing the same exact act for years now. It got old when Hulk Hogan did it and it has gotten old with Cena as well.  I have no problem using vets and in fact I love the concept.  I just think things need to be fresh to get people to spend money.  I feel it's part of the reason that PPV buys are down.  If you know what is going to happen, for the most part, why spend the money?  Plus, when you bury young talent, people have a harder time accepting them as top guys down the road.

Do you think WWE is just trying to do it differently by having a heel play-by-play instead of heel color? It seems like Cole gets all of this blame but, he's just doing what he's told. I loved JR too but, can't people let it go and quit marking out on Cole's antics. He's not bad and when he has someone who cares working with him like Striker or Matthews instead of the out of touch Jerry Lawler. With Striker or Mathews it seems as if he can play his heel role while they call the action. He's good at what hes doing and, people going crazy just cause JR isn't there is annoying. Everyone wants to nit-pick how this story doesn't seem believable or, pick it apart segment by segment as if they could do the show better but, yet let someone like Cole make them "mark-out." I don't get it.

I hate the idea of having the announcer be a character.  His role is to get the wrestlers over and when he is playing a character he doesn't do that.  No one pays to see an announcer play a character, they pay to see wrestlers wrestle and the job of an announcer is to get the talent over.  That is why people still pine for Jim Ross.  But, Vince McMahon loves the Cole character so it's not going anywhere any time soon.  And I agree, he does a good job playing the role as he is told to play it.  I just don't like the role he is playing.

Do you think sometimes wrestling in general can't win for losing? It seems as if they have too much wrestling then, they didn't give us anything exciting or developing. To much talking, not enough wrestling. This segment made sense but, this didn't. I wanna see this guy get a push but, he was made look weak because of another guy i wanted to see pushed. This guy is champ to long or, the championship switches hands to often. He needs more mic time but, they need more wrestling on the show. He needs more TV time but, there ignoring something else by putting him on there.. He's stuck in the mid-card but, yet theres only very few top spots. You see where I'm getting at I hope. Where's the happy medium? Or is there?

Sure there is a happy medium.  It's a matter of the company finding where that is and making it work.  When the product is great, you hear fewer people complain.  

Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk. I know wrestling is secondary in the WWE but couldn't Vince throw us "Wrasslin" fans a bone sometime. I know the market and such wouldn't allow a 60 minute Wrestlemania main event but down the line at the Great American Tables Ladders and Chairs Bash at the Beach would be a great place to showcase and it would probably bring in more buys. Will we see A Punk Daniels 60 minute iron match other then on You Tube?

I could see those two working together in WWE some day, but I doubt we will see a sixty minute match.  They are both extremely talented and I would love to see them have a feud together, as long as Bryan was being elevated to take part in it.  Punk is too valuable to remove from the top of the card.

What is your opinion on Mr. Anderson? I know people may not like this but, I find the guy as (really more) entertaining and talented as guys like The Rock, Austin and, a few others. I know he's never drawn that kind of money but, that was a different era and, he's never been in THAT spot. I know people say his in-ring work is sub par but, I seem to think that he is better than he gets credit for in the ring and can get the job done besides, Austin's best in-ring skill was behind him due to injuries by the time he got BIG. Do you think WWE would like to have him back? I still think he's as entertaining without the A HOLE gimmick.

I think he is a good, solid worker.  He has a good amount of charisma and delivers a good promo.  The knock on him has always been staying healthy so he is better off working the lighter TNA schedule since there are less chances to get hurt there.  But on a par with The Rock or Steve Austin?  Uh, no.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.


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