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By Richard Trionfo on 2011-01-18 16:26:14
We start off with a look back at Abraham Washington’s victory over Byron Saxton last week.

We are live on tape from Tampa, Florida and your announcers are Matt ‘Let me do NXT’ Martlaro and Byron ‘Daddy’s Home’ Saxton.

Matt and Byron talk about the rules for the Grand Royale Match, which follows the rules of the reverse battle royals from TNA. Everyone has thirty seconds to try to get into the ring. Those who do not make it into the ring during this time period will have to take the walk of shame to the back. Those who can get on the apron and climb into the ring in the thirty second time period will participate in a battle royal to determine the winner and that winner will face Mason Ryan tonight for the FCW Title.

The wrestlers come to the ring for the match and they stand around the ring.

Match Number One: FCW Grand Royale

The bell rings and instead of trying to get into the ring, some people fight on the floor. Time runs down and Kenny Li waits until the last second to slingshot into the ring, but since he did not land in the ring before the buzzer went off, he is not eligible.

We have twelve men who were able to get into the ring in time. Included in the group are Seth Rollins, Richie Steamboat, Xavier Woods, Bo Rotundo, Lucky Cannon, Hunico, Brad Maddox, Damien Sandow, Jinder Mahal, Roman Leakee, Calvin Raines, Marcus Owens

The bell rings and they pair off to try to eliminate the others. Rotundo and Cannon try to eliminate people but they are unsuccessful. Maddox bides his time on the apron to avoid being eliminated. Sandow is eliminated when someone pulls down the ropes and he goes to the floor. Hunico kicks Woods and Maddox is sent to the apron again. Hunico tries for a slingshot move but Mahal punches Hunico and he is eliminated. Steamboat and Rollins fight in the corner. Steamboat is sent to the apron and Rollins sends him off the turnbuckles and Steamboat falls to the floor and he is eliminated. Leakee is eliminated by Raines/ Raines sends Rotundo to the apron but Bo rolls back in.

We go to commercial.

We are back Jinder Mahal was about to eliminate Lucky Cannon but Bo Rotundo comes from behind and sends Mahal over the top rope. He lands on the apron for a moment but then he is eliminated. Woods punches Owens. Maddox hangs on to the ropes but he is eliminated with a drop kick. Owens punches Creed and then Rotundo goes after Creed with shoulders in the corner.

Raines works with Owens while Rollins and Cannon battle. Woods and Rotundo battle. Cannon and Rollins are on the apron and Rollins is eliminated by Raines. Cannon gets Owens up on his shoulders but Owens gets to his feet and he tries for a bicycle kick but he misses. Cannon clotheslines Owens over the top rope to eliminate him.

We are down to our final four: Calvin Raines, Xavier Woods, Bo Rotundo, and Lucky Cannon. Woods with a head butt to Cannon while Raines tries to eliminate Rotundo. Woods tries to do the same to Cannon but Cannon holds on. Woods sends Cannon to the apron but Raines stops Woods from eliminating Cannon. Raines with a boot to choke Woods in the corner. Woods with forearms to Raines while Cannon with a clothesline and kicks to Rotundo. Woods gets Raines on the ropes but Raines stops him. Woods and Raines with kicks and Woods with a chop. Woods with punches to Rotundo and then to Cannon. Raines chops Woods and he has one of Woods’ legs. Woods with a forearm but Raines pushes Woods away. Woods tries for the somersault clothesline but Raines moves out of the way and Woods is eliminated.

Rotundo sends Raines to the apron but Cannon eliminates Rotundo. Raines rolls back in and eliminates Cannon to win the match.

Winner: Calvin Raines

After the match, Rotundo and Cannon have some words.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Derrick Bateman versus Brodus Clay

Bateman avoids Clay on a tie up and then Bateman mocks Clay’s in match screams. Bateman with a punch to Clay followed by a kick but Clay with a kick and back fist. Clay follows that with a knee and another back fist to the chest. Clay with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and Bateman with kicks to the leg. Clay with a forearm to the back and Bateman tries for a sunset flip but Clay does not go down and he picks up Bateman. Clay with a body block as Bateman comes off the ropes.

Clay with a forearm to the back followed by a snap mare and nerve hold. Clay with an elbow drop for a near fall. Clay returns to the nerve hold. Bateman with elbows but Clay with a t-bone suplex to Bateman and Derrick is down. Clay sets for the big splash but Bateman moves out of the way. Bateman with a boot to the head and Clay kicks out emphatically. Bateman dives at the knee and then hits a flying clothesline that takes Clay to the mat. Bateman with a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Bateman with a running drop kick that staggers Clay. Bateman goes up top and Clay grabs Bateman with the G Grip and then hits a choke slam for the three count.

Winner: Brodus Clay

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Kaitlyn versus Rosa Mendes

They lock up and Rosa backs Kaitlyn into the corner but Kaitlyn with a waist lock. Rosa with an elbow but she walks into a back body drop from Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn is sent into the ropes and then Rosa kicks Kaitlyn and gets a near fall. Rosa with a snap mare and kick to the back and a leap frog neck snap for a near fall. Rosa punches Kaitlyn and then tries for a slam but she cannot hold Kaitlyn up and Kaitlyn gets a near fall. Rosa with kicks to the head and then she hits a suplex and gets a near fall. Rosa with a Japanese stranglehold on Kaitlyn and she puts her knees in Katilyn’s back. Rosa returns to the Japanese stranglehold but Kaitlyn gets out of the hold and she runs Rosa into the corner. Kaitlyn misses a shoulder in the corner and Rosa chokes Kaitlyn and then chokes her from the turnbuckles. Kaitlyn gets Rosa on her shoulders and hits an electric chair drop and both women are down. Kaitlyn with forearms and a clothesline. Kaitlyn adds a back elbow and slam before she gets a near fall. Rosa with a forearm and kick but she misses a clothesline. Kaitlyn with a Flatliner and she gets the three count.

Winner: Kaitlyn

Calvin Raines is in the interview area with Caylee Turner and she congratulates him on his win and wants to know what he is thinking. Raines says that Mason Ryan may be the most dominating champion in FCW history, but Calvin reminds us that he dominated the entire locker room earlier tonight to get the title match and be the number one contender. He says that Mason Ryan does not scare him or intimidate him. He says that Mason will learn that when it rains you will know how much it pours. He says that he will win the title tonight.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Abraham Washington thanks everyone for their encouragement as he made his transition from the announce table to the ring. He says that he has had many obstacles to overcome and one of them is sitting at the announce desk. He says that Byron is doing what he does best, and that is run his mouth. Tonight it is not about Byron Saxton, it is about him and the future. Abe says that he will be the guru of genius as well as the future FCW Champion. Abe makes an open challenge to anyone in the back.

Match Number Four: Abraham Washington versus Trent Barreta

Washington looks over his shoulder at the announce table and that allows Barreta to hit a running knee for a near fall. Barreta with an elbow to the head followed by a back elbow and knee drop for a near fall. Trent with a kick to the head followed by a European uppercut for a near fall. Barreta with a rear chin lock into a reverse chin lock. Trent sends Abe to the mat and then he waits for Washington to get up for a running elbow into the corner. Washington with a back body drop and both men are down.

Washington with forearms to the head and then he hits a belly-to-belly suplex for the In Yo Face Elbow and he hits it and gets a near fall. Washington with a kick but Barreta sends Washington into the corner. Barreta tries for a tornado DDT but Washington pushes him away. Washington with a DDT of his own for a near fall. Trent with an enzuigiri to Washington and then Trent goes to the apron for a springboard move but Washington moves out of the way. Washington with a kick and then he hits The Business for the three count.

Winner: Abraham Washington

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Calvin Raines versus Mason Ryan for the FCW Heavyweight Title

They lock up and Raines with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. They lock up again and Ryan with a side head lock. Ryan with shoulder tackles and Raines rolls to the floor. Raines with a kick but Ryan with a side head lock and then he blocks a hip toss and he gives Raines a few. Raines rolls back to the floor to regroup again.

Ryan with punches in the corner but Raines with a rake of the eyes and then he starts to work on the arm as he comes off the turnbuckles. He wrings Ryan’s arm into the ring post three times. Raines with an elbow drop for a near fall. Raines with a key lock followed by a single arm DDT for a near fall. Ryan grabs Raines by the throat and he hits a clothesline or two followed by a big boot to the head. Ryan with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Raines with a double leg take down and he uses the ropes for extra leverage but Ryan kicks out. Raines with a boot to the arm and then Ryan with the uranage for the three count.

Winner: Mason Ryan

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