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By Buck Woodward on 2011-01-14 10:00:00

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Back in 2009 I predicted that Randy Orton was going to win the Royal Rumble which he did, in 2010 I had it down to Edge and HBK. This year I see Christian winning it, possibly facing Edge at WrestleMania 27 or maybe even Alberto Del Rio, if he wins the WHC. My question is who logically makes sense to win it and who are your top 3 picks to win it?

Out of your top two, I would go with Del Rio over Christian, who as of this writing hasn't returned to the ring yet.  Without knowing any entrants yet, I would go with John Cena, Alberto Del Rio and John Morrison as my top picks. 

When The Spirit Squad first debuted, a lot of people were saying that Ken Doane had the potential to be a breakout star. He seemed to have all of the skills, why do you think he never made it big?

I really think the stigma of the Spirit Squad gimmick never left him in WWE.  When the gimmick ended, he remained on television with the Kenny Dykstra name (which was a lame takeoff on New York Met Lenny Dykstra).  I think if he had been totally removed from TV and repackaged before returning, he would have had a better chance to get over with the audience.  His skill level was never in doubt, it was more a case of WWE not putting him in a position to succeed.

I've had enough of Flair. Even though he's been a shadow of the SHADOW of his former self in the ring, he's always been credible on the stick. But on the Christmas edition of Impact, I wanted to reach through my television and smack the crap out of him. His exchange with Foley started off promising, with his pointing out that Mick's hardcore style was irresponsible and could be blamed for a majority of wrestler concussions. When Foley had his turn to speak, Flair kept cutting him off, repeating himself and spouting gibberish. I popped when Foley finally knocked the microphone out of Flair's hand. Even Flair's comment that he was going to either die in the ring or on top of a woman - that may be vintage Flair, but his timing killed all the drama of the promo. I grew up in awe of Flair. What the heck happened to the guy? Your thoughts?

Well, you did pop for Foley knocking the microphone away, so some would say Flair accomplished his job as a heel there.  Personally, I agree that the interview you mentioned started great, then moved downhill.  Unfortunately, as we are well aware, Flair is in a position where he has no choice but to continue in wrestling because he needs the cash.  As a result, even with the quality of his work declining (both in ring and on the mic), he's going to have to continue to perform. 

Did Vince make a bet with Hunter that he could kill Ted Dibiase's career and then turn around and make him a star? I sincerely hope so, so that Ted actually gets a chance to be a star. Jobbing every week to Santino? Who did Ted piss off?

I wish I knew!  It doesn't make any sense at all, and from what I understand, DiBiase is actually very well liked within the company.  I have no idea why they have taken someone who was so close to main event status (last year he was in the Elimination Chamber) and totally made him into a joke.  

WWE is giving Lawler a ton of ring-time. Why now?

I have two theories on this.  One is that WWE is building towards some sort of Jerry Lawler-Michael Cole match.  The other is that WWE is going to finally give Jerry Lawler a match at Wrestlemania this year, so they are getting the audience behind him as an in-ring performer again. 

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