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By Mike Johnson on 2010-08-16 13:37:50
ROH President Cary Silkin described the decision to remove Adam Pearce as Ring of Honor booker as an "amicable decision" in a phone conversation earlier today.

"We thank Adam for everything he brought to the table, but I decided to make a change. There were no problems between us. There was no blow-up and it's entirely possible he will return down the line either in front of the camera or in another backstage role."

Silkin confirmed's report that Hunter "Delirious" Johnston would be taking over as the new booker of the company starting with this Fridays' ROH on HDNet TV Tapings. Silkin noted that Pearce would not be at the tapings, although I believe Pearce did offer to come in and help with the transition.

Silkin described Johnston as a "smart, respected, hard working person" and noted that Johnston would be running the back while Jim Cornette would continue to have influence on the HDNet Television product. Silkin also noted that the company is currently set in its direction and we shouldn't expect massive changes in direction, roster, etc. due to the change.

"Adam did a good job and I believe Hunter will do the same."

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