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By Dave Scherer on 2010-07-11 18:54:36
Honestly, I didn't think this was a story but since my email has been bombarded, and I need it to stop, here is what I can tell you about any chance of Paul Heyman being at TNA's PPV tonight.  According to three sources, Paul Heyman was not in anyone's sight in Orlando as of 5 p.m.  So if he is coming to TNA, it appears he won't be there in -person tonight. 

To reiterate what we know here, the sides have met.  There is interest.  But Heyman knows what it takes to succeed and he has told anyone that will listen that he will only go to TNA if he has full control of the product.

We will have full coverage of the Victory Road PPV tonight here on the site so come back at 8 p.m. to see what happens.

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