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By Mike Johnson on 2009-12-27 10:00:00
Would TNA be better off if the internet was not what it is today such as spoilers and results.  Are TNA and ROH better with or with out the internet what it is today?

I think TNA and all companies would be happier if their spoilers didn't get out and I can understand and respect that.  That said, both TNA and ROH cut their teeth on the support of the online audience, especially during their formulate years.  Had it not been for the Internet, neither would have existed, period.

My first question is regarding WWE's TV-PG rating. A reader asked a  similar question on yesterday's Mailbag. One thing I can't seem to understand is that WWE SmackDown! has always been TV-PG and has featured blood and questionable language in the past. On SmackDown!'s Best Of DVD, they used the word "bitch" during the Linda/Stephanie coverage from 2000, and some scenes showing blood were left unedited.  That DVD is rated TV-PG. Why can't WWE continue to be TV-PG but allow the kind of content I mentioned?

The reality is that some of the things you mentioned do fall under PG guidelines, but right now, the company is extremely sensititve towards anything that can be used against them (and Linda, even if they deny it).  I don't blame them, but the reality is wrestling fans want pro wrestling and pro wrestling can be good under any rating.  WWE doesn't need to have racier aspects to have good wrestling.  Losing blood, expletives, etc. will dull the product somewhat to fans who only want those aspects, but you can still have an entertaining product no matter what the rating is.   As to why certain things weren't edited off the Smackdown DVD, my guess is the producer in charge made that call.

Second, with Linda's opponents using past storylines as their ammo against her, don't you think she's glad Stephanie rejected the incest angle Vince proposed to her that he mentions on his McMahon DVD?

I think she and Stephanie were glad that idea was rejected for a lot more than just the potential future of Linda in the political world.

Since the signing of Hulk Hogan with TNA we've been seeing more and more of TNA President Dixie Carter on TV than normal. Is this an indication that she might be taking a more active role on Impact! and other pay per views?

I'd say it's an indication because she already is.  It's obvious that Carter is going to have a semi-regular role on the television product going forward.

I read where female SHIMMER wrestling star Portia Perez is under the weather with the swine flu. Is this true? If  so, how is she doing? I hope she is doing well.

Since I was the person who wrote it here on the website, yes, it was true.  She is feeling much better.

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