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By Mike Johnson on 2009-08-31 08:52:27
Numerous WWE sources have noted there is a lot of heat within the company on Intercontinental champion Rey Mysterio for going forward and doing an interview with The Record in Mexico explaining his side of his recent WWE Wellness Suspension.

There was an expectation within the company over the weekend that by speaking out of turn, Mysterio put himself in a position where the company has to punish him further (possibly a fine) or else risk someone else following suit in a similar situation.

Several sources I spoke to also felt Mysterio did the interview to build sympathy for himself in the Mexican market in the event that the situation leads to his WWE departure, since Mexico would be his most likely destination in that event.

Interesting to note that Mysterio did work the Smackdown house shows over the weekend, losing to World champion CM Punk. Mysterio was initially pulled from the house shows, a decision that was reversed when the company opted to start the suspension on 9/2 in order to finish Mysterio up off television at tomorrow's Smackdown taping.

Mysterio has told wrestlers who have asked that he had a legitimate prescription for a painkiller and that the company didn't give him proper notice and time for his doctor to give them details on his prescription. He's told several that he hopes the company will reconsider his case when he has a chance to speak to management personally on Tuesday. WWE has reversed at least one Wellness violation that I can think of, but not since they began the policy of announcing violations publicly.

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