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By Buck Woodward on 2009-08-24 12:34:12 have spoken with Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s father regarding the story that police were searching his Las Vegas home today in conjunction with a shooting incident at a skating rink on Sunday.  According to the elder Mayweather, the police were looking for a gun and they "ransacked" the home, but didn't find anything.  The police reportedly want to talk to Floyd Mayweather Jr. about the shooting, since a car belonging to the boxer was seen at the rink on Sunday.  Mayweather's father said the car was there because his son takes his children to the rink to skate on Sundays.

You can read the TMZ item by clicking here.

There's been no word on whether this will change plans for Mayweather to appear on Raw tonight.

Prior to this incident, Mayweather's appearance on Raw tonight was getting WWE some positive press, with several items appearing in different media sources.  An ESPN item can be found by clicking here.  A Media Life magazine item can be found at this link.


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