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By Mike Johnson on 2019-12-18 18:10:00

WWE star Jimmy Uso (Jonathan Solofa Fatu) was found not guilty of DUI earlier today in Pensacola, Florida, according to Florida ABC affiliate WEAR-TV

Uso was arrested 7/25 in Pensacola, Florida and charged with DUI.  He had been pulled over at 3:04 AM after authorities observed him "driving erratically" and "swerving left and right." 

A video released via TMZ showed Uso request his attorney be present after he was asked to take a breathalyzer.  He was arrested at that point.

Uso went to court this morning and was found not guilty after a jury deliberated for over an hour.  His speeding ticket in relation to the incident will remain on his record.

Uso's attorney Greg Whibbs spoke with FOX affiliate WOLF 56 after the trial, commenting,  "And that is what the jury system is for. a cop cannot convict you. a copy can arrest you but they cannot convict you and thats why we took it to the next level and plead not guilty and set out for a case trial,," Whibbs said.

Uso has not been utilized by WWE since the arrest.

Thanks to Joe DiPaolo.

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