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By Kendall Jenkins on 2017-06-06 07:49:00

On June 4th, former WCW Heavyweight Champion Van Vader announced that he would be retiring. His tweet read: “With great sorrow I leave my first born, my greatest love of all, for a chance to exist in the same plain of existence of my Gr Ch yet to exist”


The 62-year-old legend has been through a lot, since he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. His chances of prognosis are slim, with doctors giving him up to two years to live. Big Van Vader has gone against the grain, his willpower and strength is commendable. Sadly, he collapsed during the Tatsumi Fujinami 45th Anniversary show in April - a six-man tag team match, where he worked with Keji Muto and Akira in Japan. His original tweet “for a chance to exist in the same plain of existence as my Gr Ch yet to exit” refers to his wish to see his grandchildren one day. It was this tweet that lead fans and wrestling industry officials alike, to believe that Van Vader would be hanging up his boots. In fact, it turns out that Van Vader will not be giving up his career in wrestling and has vowed to continue his long successful career, despite his condition. He replied to his own tweet on June 5th with “As usual some one got it wrong. I have not wrestled my last match. Lord willing not for years yet. Love it when you got them guessing.”

Van Vader has been recognised as a pioneer, his style was hard-hitting and he certainly inspired a generation of wrestlers. As a Super Heavyweight, he’s known for administering deadly beat downs on his opponents and he always has the crowd going wild for more. His initial announcement that suggested he would be retiring probably came as a relief to those who want Vader to regain fitness and health. However, it appears that it’s still Vader’s time and hel is not finished yet. Want to bet on the outcome of your favourite sport, like wrestling? Visit for free spins, no deposits. They collate a whole list of casino operators with the best promotions and welcome bonuses.

Vader’s Professional Wrestling Career

Vader’s birth name is Leon Allen White, he has an impressive career and he is the only man to ever hold three World Heavyweight Championships, in three different organisations, and all at the same time: (1) Wrestling Guild of Professionals title in Japan, Continental Wrestling Association title in Germany and the Universal Wrestling Association title in Mexico. Among these accolades, Vader has also won the IWGP Heavyweight Championship (the first non- japanese holder) and the WCW World Heavyweight Championship three times each! Vader has certainly made a lasting impression in the wrestling industry and he will be remembered as a legend. He is known by a whole host of ring names, including Baby Bull, Super Vader and Bull Power. His iconic red and black attire with the words ‘Vader Time’ on his vest is his signature look. Vader is a man who commands the ring, he is a great wrestler that will we hope can continue to shine and develop. Vader will be in action on June 17th at the Race Wrestling Arena in Troy. It’s still Vader time!

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