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By Dave Scherer on 2017-01-15 10:00:00

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How do you feel about this scenario  to get an NXT championship match on Wrestlemania?  Nakamura loses the title back to Joe at Takeover before the Rumble.  They set up a best of 3 series, one wins match one, the other wins match 2 at takeover before Mania and the third "if needed" match is at Mania for the NXT title?

I would love to see an NXT Title match on WrestleMania.  I don’t think they need to do a big angle to get it there but if they wanted to go that way, I would be fine with it.

Ok. I was really bored today, so I watched a few videos on the WWE website. And I saw a clip with Lana, Maryse, & Natalya talking about wedding cakes. I could handle that silliness, but what I was surprised about was Lana not speaking with her accent. Yes, we all know that she is not Russian, but I was surprised that WWE lets stuff like that go by. When someone sees that clip, and then sees Raw, it must seem odd. And I wonder why WWE allows it. I guess I am just an old-fashioned, kayfabe kind of guy.  You?

I gave up worrying about that stuff a long time ago, when the company made it clear that they didn’t care about kayfabe any more.  They have done so many things on Raw where someone, say Stephanie McMahon, is a heel and then they show here real life person being a nice person, breaking character.  If they do it on TV, I can’t be surprised when they do it on the web.

if you had to guess the winner of the Royal Rumble right now, who would you pick? I fear it will be Reigns since they took the US title from him. I would hate that.

I bet it will be the one guy that didn’t get eliminated.  Seriously, if it’s me I have it be The Miz to take on AJ Styles but it doesn’t appear to be going that way.  It wouldn’t shock me to see Chris Jericho win it to see him take on Kevin Owens.  From a storyline standpoint, I could see that happening. 

Something that crossed my mind: I noticed that the wrestling matches on the weekly WWE shows have developed over the last decades. In the past, as far as I remember, a finishing maneuver most likely ended the match. The wrestlers rarely did spots where they would kick out of a finisher and continue. Nowadays, we really often see wrestlers kicking out of finishers. This has been done to a point now, where it feels ‘normal’ to have that kind of extended finish to a match, which makes it hard to outdo those finishes at PPVs for example. Is that just a wrong feeling on my side?

They have had to do that.  In the old days, they didn’t have the kinds of competitive matches that they do now.  When a guy was working an enhancement talent, he would beat him with one finisher.  When it’s a “competitive” match, they have to treat it as such.

From what I have read online, most wrestling critics, journalists and fans will agree that Smackdown is a superior show to Raw (and has been the better/more entertaining show since the draft). However, with the exception of the Draft and Christmas episode of Smackdown, Raw has consistently beaten Smackdown in the ratings. Apart from the obvious (more people tuning in) do you believe there is a reason for this. Is Monday night a better night for wrestling then Tuesday, Is the Raw name/brand alone able to draw in more viewers regardless of how bad the actual show is. 

I think it’s really more than in most cases, fans have been conditioned that Raw is the number one show and if they are only going to watch one show a week, it will be the A program.  If it were based simply on quality, I think Smackdown would be the leader.

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