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By Dave Scherer on 2016-10-05 10:00:00

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This is a hypothetical question:  If a wrestling union finally existed, especially in the WWE, could the wrestlers demand that Vince relinquish the deceased promotions he has purchased (WCW, ECW, etc.), as part of their negotiations, much as you would demand more money or better benefits?  I'm under the impression Vince would not be pleased that such a request would be made, but if the wrestlers (meaning every wrestler in the profession... talk about hypothetical) all agreed to not work for Vince until he met such a radical demand, would he have a choice other than dissolving his own monopoly, just to survive?  

If, and that is a big if, the wrestlers did form a union, sure they could request that, but Vince and WWE are under no obligation to agree to it.  If WWE didn’t agree, then the wrestlers would have the option to go on strike.  

Could the wrestlers designate who Vince would have to bestow these companies upon (WCW to the Crocketts or ECW to Paul Heyman an the like and such) or would that be even more outrageous?  

God no.  A union doesn’t give the workers the power to run the business like that.  It gives them the power to negotiate a deal on working conditions, pay, benefits, etc.  I guarantee you if a union ever happened and something like that was brought up, Vince would shoot it down in a second.

There are many wrestlers who at first says things like "it’s my dream to be in WWE, WWE is my passion, I can do anything to be in WWE" things like that but after becoming a WWE star, they just lose respect towards them. Now the case of Paige.. some 2 years ago she was saying it's my goal to become Divas champion and now it's like she doesn't give a damn about it.. I mean you can be in a relationship but you should give your first priority to your career. WWE has given her everything but she does not deserve it... I have always loved Paige but now I really doubt it. Your thoughts??

My thoughts are that your view is very myopic and lacks empathy.  You neglect to differentiate between the excitement someone has when they first make the big time to what happens when they adjust to the reality of being there.  When one is wide eyed and young, just getting to WWE seems like the culmination of a dream.  After they get there, and become part of the process, that often changes.

How does Dean Ambrose conduct himself backstage? He seems like he's the quiet, I rather keep to myself, I won't go out of my way to talk to you, I just come to work, do my job and go home type. Is this the case?

It was like John Cena said last week on Talking Smack, Dean is a “one of the guys” type of person.  He isn’t standoffish at all, but he doesn’t need to be the Alpha Male either.

Why is Bobby Lashley still on top in TNA? He's not a great wrestler. He's bad on the mic. He has no crossover appeal from MMA because he's not UFC-caliber. Why do they keep him as champion? 

He is not a great interview but I totally disagree with you as to his work in the ring.  He’s a strong wrestler and looks the role of champion.  I have no issue with him being in a top spot.

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