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By Mike Johnson on 2016-08-05 10:00:00

Whilst it is great to see that wrestling companies (for the most part) are protecting the head from chairshots and the like, is there not a danger of whiplash injuries from power bombs and the like? Whilst it won't do to make wrestling too safe, competitors still need protection where possible.

I will be frank with you: there is a danger of whiplash from every bump you can imagine.  There's a reason talents are trained.  They have learned the proper way (hopefully) of taking the bumps and while anything can happen, at the end of the day, they know what they are getting into when they get into the business.  There's no way someone takes their first back bump and doesn't realize that "this is going to hurt."  Of course, every promotion should take whatever precautions they can, but when you are in a business that is built on physicality, there's no way to ever 100% protect talents, because the key to performing is taking bumps.

So, Brock fighting in UFC, and winning, could've given a huge boost to WWE  and pro wrestling, but instead he's given both a huge black eye. Instead  of legitimacy, it proves the big fakey, fake fighter is also a dirty  cheater and makes the wellness policy into a joke (Oh, you have top  talents that are exempt from testing? Please, tell me more about your sham  of a program).Considering the level of disrespect this shows for the  entire locker room, why isn't Brock being Bill Gunned into the  unemployment line? #lifetimeban

Brock makes WWE more money in one PPV than Billy Gunn had and ever would have.  That's the unfortunate, but realistic truth  behind the situation.

I have a question about the pre-Attitude Era days. What was the explanation for a Mountie, a hockey player, a repo man, and so on getting in the ring and wrestling? Were those just their day jobs and they wrestled at night in their work clothes? 

The explanation was WWF, at the time, was presented as a live action cartoon.  You weren't supposed to care about the why.  You were supposed to enjoy the escapist silliness of it all!

Here's a crazy idea: force a true competition between the Raw and Smackdown brands by having an annual or more frequent head to head broadcast of the shows on one night.  Let Smackdown run at 9 p.m. on a Monday night on Syfy against Raw on USA...maybe on the same day as WCW Nitro's debut, as some sort of tribute to the spirit of the Monday Night Wars.  Maybe even have Shane give away faux results of RAW at the start just to be authentic!

It's an interesting idea, except NBC Universal would never allow it and WWE couldn't do it, as they use the same production team for all of their broadcasts!

With Smackdown moving nights, there were reports of it being more expensive to air the show live than keeping it on Thursdays. What factors make it more expensive to do live TV?

It is absolutely more expensive as they have to pay for the live satellite time to send the signal out.  If they were taping, they could post-produce and simply uplink the tape later.


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