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By Dave Scherer on 2016-05-31 09:59:00

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I have a stupid question, but I need an answer. Last night at Extreme Rules, there was a tall individual in the front row roughly dead centre with long black hair. Next to this person was a shorter, older woman. They have been in the front row in the same position for virtually every PPV event for at least the past year. Any idea who these people are and how they got front row seats to every WWE PPV across the country?

OK, since you need an answer I will be there for you and give you one. I have no idea who they are. I have never noticed. Anymore Sorry!

Do you know when will Hideo Itami return to NXT?

He tweeted over the weekend so his return is very close to happening.

I've been watching a slow train wreck happening in the WWE lately with its roster and creative. Wade Barrett asked and was granted his release. Then, Cody Rhodes followed suit. His reasons for doing so raised a bunch of eyebrows. Zack Ryder negatively commented about not being on the card from a restaurant . It seems like there's an inevitable mutiny in the locker room versus WWE Creative. How big a problem does McMahon really have on his hands? When is it time for Kevin Dunn and his regime to go?

Vince doesn’t have a significant problem on his hands. Some guys have been unhappy in locker rooms as long as the business has been around. Sure, Barrett, Rhodes and Ryback chose to walk away. But there are plenty of other guys waiting to take their place. At the end of the day, Vince is the one who makes the call on how far a guy will go in WWE. I respect when talents see the writing on the wall and choose to walk. That is what they did, but Vince and to a lesser degree Dunn run the show, and they aren’t going anywhere.

Do you think the reason why Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn never considered Cody Rhodes to be World Champion because simply because Rhodes was "Too Southern?"

Considering he doesn’t have much of a southern accent, no I don’t think that was it. I don’t know what makes Vince see “future champion” in someone, but he obviously didn’t see it in Cody. I don’t know if he was a future World Champion either, but I sure as hell would have given him more of a chance so that I could found out than WWE did.

What's going on with Sasha Banks? She goes from being strongly considered being given a title run at WM to not even being on TV no more. Who's robbing Banks?

Injuries mainly. She keeps getting hurt and that has been her major issue.

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

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