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By Dave Scherer on 2016-03-13 09:59:00

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Low Ki stated in interviews that, contrary to what was initially thought, he was actually fired from the WWE? Is it true that he was actually fired?

He was released from his contract which, yes, means he was fired.

Do you think even with Sting having the serious neck injury that he will be used towards the finish of the hell In a cell match? It only makes sense right to screw over The Authority once and for all and give us fans our Taker/Sting moment? If only for a few bat shots and drag Shane onto Vince then the stare down/ handshake.

I don’t have any problem getting involved in the match, as long there is nothing physical involved.  When a doctor tells you that one bad accident can paralyze you, you don’t risk it.  So no, I don’t have him get involved physically.

I noticed a good Q&A about Roman’s exit from The Rumble, were he walked out opposed to being on a stretcher.  Creative/Vince did him wrong there no doubt, but is there no onus on Reigns himself to speak up and say ‘this is a bit silly, why not use a stretcher’? If he is going along with things as the talent that make no sense, surely there is some blame on him? I continually hear Austin on his podcast say similar things, talent should speak up.

Onus?  Hell no.  Vince McMahon writes the show.  He scripts what they talents are supposed to do.  Maybe he said it would be more effective if he were stretchered out.  Maybe not.  But at the end of the day, Vince makes the call.  And it’s really easy for Steve Austin to say those things.  He worked in WWE when there was competition that would sign him in a second if he got out of his WWE contract.  That isn’t the case today.  A talent that speaks up too much is committing career suicide.  There are enough examples now to show Austin he needs to stop saying that and see the business for what it is now, not what it was when he was around.

Even though he never made a formal announcement, Christian is essentially retired now.  He was on Jericho's podcast talking about how he is in a similar situation to Edge and Daniel Bryan, where taking another bump may risk permanent damage.  Why wasn't he given a segment on RAW to announce his retirement and make a farewell speech, like those other guys had?  He is certainly every bit as deserving as them.

I agree, but two things come into play.  One, the boss never saw in Christian what he saw in Edge.  Plus, his retirement was a slower one, not an abrupt, quick end like Bryan’s.  And to be fair, Bryan was as big of a name as Edge was when he was forced to retire.  I agree with you, Christian deserved to say goodbye.

You answered a question today (3/9) breaking down standard contracts and  downside guarantees. One question I have always had with them, is in regards to are the downsides guaranteed monthly or annually? For example, let’s say a wrestler is injured in September, or the ninth month of their fiscal year, and they have already exceeded their downside for the year. Understanding that the major names likely have unique deals, typically would the talent still be paid their downside monthly (or weekly) the rest of the year, or would they receive nothing until the new term starts, since they have already exceeded their  downside guarantee for the year?

Yes the injured talent would get their downside, minimum deal paid.  Basically, they get that amount for each pay period whether they have made more than that amount for the year or not.

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

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