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By Lisa Yates on 2017-06-11 12:10:00

I attended my first-ever CZW Tournament of Death yesterday, held at the farm owned by DJ Hyde in Delaware. Here are the results:

*Light Tubes and Cinderblocks match: Jeff Cannonball pinned G-Raver aftera tombstone onto a cinderblock covered in light tubes.

*Barbed Wire Craziness Match: Conor Claxton pinned Clint Margera.

*Doorway to Death match: MASADA defeated SHLAK.  SHLAK lit his arm on fire before jumping off the top with an elbow.

*Pain in the Glass: Jimmy Havoc won a three way, defeating John Wayne Murdoch and 2016 TOD winner Rickey Shane Page.  

*In a non-tournament, Four Corners of Pain match, Dan O’Hare defeated Jimmy Lloyd, George Gatton and Kit Osbourne after a door was set on fire and Osbourne was slammed onto the door.

*TOD Semi-Final: Summertime Fun Death Match: Conor Claxton pinned Jeff Cannonball.

*TOD Semi-Final: Light Tubes Death Match: Jimmy Havoc pinned MASADA.

*In a non-tournament Fans Bring The Weapons match, Matthew Tremont (with Stockade) pinned Mad Man Pondo.   Pondo wiped out Stockade with lightubes.

*In a non-tournament, Scaffold Deathmatch, Danny Havoc & Alex Colon defeated Devon Moore & Drew Blood. Moore hurt himself on the first dive off the scaffolding and was replaced by Kit Osbourne.    Havoc announced he was retiring but Alex Colon challenged him to one last Death Match, saying he owed him that.  So, they will have that retirement in September.

*Jimmy Havoc captured the 16th annual Tournament of Death in Townsend, Delaware, defeating Connor Claxton in a no ropes, no ring mat, barbed wire and lightubes death match.

NOTES: A couple got engaged at the event....The show was filmed for CZW's streaming service....CZW's next event is July 8th in Voorhees, NJ.

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