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By Mike Johnson on 2015-10-30 19:50:22
Paul Heyman did indeed appear on the FOX Sports 1 World Series Pre-Game show, doing a bit from the West Coast where he "crashed" a segment featuring Dan and Jay, basically telling them on behalf of the network that they suck.

Dan and Jay showed fear of Heyman, who then turned his attention to WWE celebrity Hall of Famer Pete Rose, asking where he was and saying he's been a proponent of Rose for years. When he was told Rose was in New York (live from Citifield), Heyman said that if "Charlie Hustle was in NYC, the advocate of Brock Lesnar will come to Charlie Hustle."

So, it appears this won't be Heyman's last appearance for FOX Sports as part of the World Series.

Oh and since my brother, probably the most die-hard New York Mets fan ever, would kill me if I didn't say this, Let's Go Mets!

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