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By Stuart Carapola on 2015-03-27 20:49:41
Johnny Gargano & Rich Swann vs Caleb Konley & Brian Cage

Swann and Gargano take their time getting going with the extended entrance, and Konley is not amused, going right after Swann and taking him down to the mat. Swann recovers and outmaneuvers Konley, then tags Gargano in for some fancy Ronin double teaming. Cage tags in, but doesn't have much better luck, as Gargano catches him with a tornado DDT and then tags Swann in. Cage does much better with Swann, just piefacing him down to the mat and choking him on the ropes. Swan tries a springboard move, but Cage catches him in a vertical suplex position (!!!), holds Swann up for a few seconds, and then plants him. Swann is now firmly in the wrong part of town, and Cage just manhandles him while blocking his attempts to tag out to Gargano. Swann goes for the Lethal Injection, but Cage just shoves him off as if he were nothing. Konley slips out of a suplex attempt and tags Gargano in, but the Open The Freedom Gate Champion quickly winds up on the defensive himself as he gets stomped out in the corner by Konley. Now Cage is in and he traps Gargano with a seated abdominal stretch, then dumps Gargano out to the floor. Andrea gets several cheapshots in, but Gargano has enough and rams Andrea into the ringpost before Konley nails Gargano and rolls him back inside where Cage hits a delayed superplex for 2. Gargano catches Konley with a small package for 2, superkicks him in the nuts, and hits Hertz Donut for 2. The stream goes out on me again, and when it comes up, Konley and Cage are celebrating in the ring with Andrea and So Cal Val, so I guess they won.

Winners: Caleb Konley & Brian Cage

Lenny is saying something about Konley tapping out during the finish, but Val hands him the Open The Freedom Gate Title belt, so I guess he must have pinned Gargano or Gargano pinned himself or something. Either way, solid match.

Ricochet vs PJ Black

They briefly do some mat work to start, but then they quickly pick up the pace. Ricochet gets Black down and teases a People's Elbow, but hits a standing moonsault instead of the elbow and only gets 2. He goes for a suplex, but Black slips out the back, elevates Ricochet, and drops him with a twisting DDT for 2. Black keeps the pressure up with kicks and a snapover suplex before going to work on Ricochet's wrists with a wide stretch. Black follows Ricochet in as he hits the ropes and clotheslines him to the floor, but Ricochet counters a dive with a leaping enziguiri. Now he tries a springboard and gets caught, but he dropkicks Black to the floor and hits a running dive that effectively takes both men out. Ricochet connects with an Ace Crusher off the ropes followed by a standing shooting star press for 2. Black escape the Benadryller and hits an STO for 2, then they trade superkicks until they both go down again. Ricochet is up first and goes for a springboard 450 and Black moves, then Black follows up with a springboard 450 of his own and connects for 2. Black goes for a springboard moonsault, but Ricochet shoves him off and crotches him on the top rope. Ricochet follows him up, hits a leaping enziguiri, and an inverted super Frankensteiner for 2. That's the kind of move that should really end a match. Black is back up 2 seconds later and goes for a super Frankensteiner of his own, Ricochet looks to either block or counter, and ends up dumping Black right on his head in a really scary bump. He follows that up with the 630 splash and that's all she wrote.

Winner: Ricochet

Match was okay, but I really feel like both guys can do better than this. It was just a string of spots, and it just comes off as really indyriffic after almost every other match on the show was so well put together and better paced. Ricochet puts PJ over in a postmatch promo, then hands Black the mic and he says Ricochet's match with Johnny Gargano last year was one of the reasons he left WWE, so he could have matches like that every night, and EVOLVE is the place he can do that.

Even though I wasn't a fan of the main event, this show was excellent. It was chock full of great wrestling matches that told good stories, and I would definitely recommend buying the replay of this one over at

Thanks for reading, I'll be back in about fifteen minutes with coverage of Impact, and then it's the first night of the King of Indies Tournament right after that. So grab a pot of coffee and pull a chair up...we're gonna be here a while!

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