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By Richard Trionfo on 2015-01-26 23:02:28
We are back and John points out he could have done the weather in front of a green screen and his feet wouldn’t be frozen.

Michael asks John about the Royal Rumble. He says that Roman Reigns has come of age and he is the man since he won.

Byron Saxton is with Roman Reigns. Byron congratulates Roman and Roman says last night was really incredible. He is asked about the people who say he is not ready to face Brock Lesnar. Roman says everyone is entitled to their opinion. He might not be the best in the locker room, but he has been taught to react. His father, Sika, threw him into the deep end when he was learning to swim. Roman says he fought and clawed to get back to the surface. He learned to swim. He is fine with being thrown in the deep end to swim with the sharks.

Byron asks Roman about the Philadelphia crowd. Did he think he was treated unfairly? Roman says he was hoping for a warmer response, but is life fair? No, life is not fair. Those fans paid their money to go to the show and watch. When you go into the arena, you can boo or cheer whoever you want. As long as he can do his thing, he is happy. Roman says he is not thinking about fair.

Roman is asked about the critics who suggest he is hand picked by the higher ups. Roman says if that is the case, he would have to say thanks for the opportunity. You still have to deliver. He has to lace his boots, go down the stairs, and go into the ring by himself. When you are given the opportunity, you have to take advantage of the situation.

Byron mentions Roman eliminating Kane and Big Show, only to have them attack him, prior to the Rock helping him. When you are getting beaten up by mammoths, who better to have you with your family. He mentions his father, uncle, and family members. That is the blood that pumps through his veins. He was born in this business. He was fed by the WWE. The greatest favor he can do is return the favor. He is looking forward to performing at Wrestlemania in front of his father. He is looking forward to meeting Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania and meeting him tonight.

We go to commercial and when we come back, we will find out who John Cena will face at Fast Lane.

We are back and Michael mentions that Miz is on the season premiere of Sirens tomorrow night.

We go to footage from the Fallout Show when John Cena was interviewed and interrupted by Rusev.

At Fastlane, Rusev will face John Cena.

Booker says this will be John Cena’s toughest challenge to date. John says it will also be Rusev’s toughest challenge.

We see footage from the end of Raw, only to have the Vigilante Sting vigilantily appear to distract Seth Rollins and get Rollins pinned by John Cena.

At Fastlane, Sting has been challenged by Triple H to confront him.

We are back and we are told that the next inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame is in the Celebrity Wing and it is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Dean Ambrose makes his way into Titan Towers as we go to commercial.

We are back and Dean is asked by Byron Saxton how he got to Stamford from Hartford. Dean says he wanted to clear his head and walk. Dean is reminded he is not dressed for a blizzard. Dean says he caught a ride from Philadelphia and he is told that Raw is coming from Stamford. He got in the back of a pick up truck and he hopped off on I-95. He got into an altercation at a gas station and he made it to headquarters.

He did it to send a message. This is like the Road to Wrestlemania with obstacles and dangerous conditions. Dean says he loves dangerous conditions. Dean says he will make it to Wrestlemania.

Renee Young is with Daniel Bryan and he is described as one of the most news worthy participants from the Royal Rumble. Renee brings up the Yes Movement and Daniel’s WWE Title win at Wrestlemania. Daniel says he has dreamed about being a wrestler his whole life and he dreamed of winning Wrestlemania. Daniel says power isn’t with who thinks they have it. The people have the power. The Authority didn’t want to give him the chance, but the people did. When he got that opportunity, he won and it was not just a win for him, but for the people.

Renee brings up Daniel’s injuries from last year and being stripped of the title. Daniel says it was devastating. To have that dream and get there, only to have it taken from him, it is brutal. He says he let down the fans. You cannot feel sorry for yourself. Since he had the title stripped, he knew he had to win the title one more time.

Renee brings up the reaction to Daniel’s elimination. Daniel says they were disappointed Reigns won. Daniel was disappointed Reigns won because it wasn’t him who won the match. If he could get into the Rumble, he can main event Wrestlemania. It would have been the ultimate David and Goliath. Daniel says he failed. It is on him. Roman saw an opportunity and he took it. Daniel did not take the opportunity. He did not have the Rock to help him or did not have the WWE feed him growing up. He says that Roman can put on a great match against Lesnar at Wrestlemania.

Renee brings up Daniel’s match against Kane in a Casket Match. Daniel says the match favors Kane because he has won those matches before. Daniel says he will not be denied. Daniel says he might have a smile on his face, but he is pissed off. He needs to end this with Kane so he can move on.

We are back with more shots of the weather in Stamford.

Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns are together in the same room. Michael thanks them for joining them.

Paul shakes Roman’s hand and congratulates him for winning and he would like to ask the questions to Roman tonight.

Roman says he’s got nothing to hide and Paul says that might be your first mistake.

Paul says he asked Brock about this before, Paul says he has known Roman’s family longer than Roman has known his own family. He took photos of his father and Afa when they were Tag Team Champions. He took Yokozuna’s first promotional photos. He managed Fatu before he was known as Rikishi bring his children Jimmy and Jey to the ring and give each other frog splashes. Everything about your family is like a bird to air or fish to water. He has known Roman when he lived in Pensacola.

Paul says he is proud of Roman’s accomplishments last night. He also knows Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, but Dwayne knows Brock Lesnar.

In 2002, the Rock ruled the roost. Rock was the Undisputed WWE Champion, laying the smack down across the globe. The fantasy was that it would last forever. That lasted until the fantasy ran into the reality. It ran into the Next Big Thing in Brock Lesnar. When Brock got his hands on the Rock, he took the championship from the Rock. You remember their rematch on pay per view . . . you can’t because The Rock never asked for a rematch. One match with Brock Lesnar was all the Rock could handle.

Why doesn’t the Rock tell you what you are up against at Wrestlemania. Your blood doesn’t tell you, not just who you are fighting, but what you are fighting. You are the one . . . to beat the one . . . in twenty-one and one.

Paul’s question is Roman . . . with all due respect, how are you going to handle disappointing your family when you lose to Brock Lesnar because you cannot beat Brock Lesnar. Not today and certainly not at Wrestlemania. How will you handle losing at Wrestlemania.

Roman says with all due respect, he will answer that to Brock Lesnar. Reigns turns to Brock and he looks deep into his eyes and he says he knows who and what he is. Roman says he knows what he signed up for. He does not think Roman knows. He will beat Brock at Wrestlemania and take that title. He knows it and Brock knows it. If he can’t, he will take a piece of Brock with him. He believes that and so should you.

Brock gets up and we have a face to face situation. They shake hands and Brock says unlike him, he doesn’t respect you.

Roman tells Brock he will.

John says Roman got his first chance to look in the eyes of the beast and he did not blink.

Michael wonders who can stop the beast. John says he might hold the title until he retires. Booker wonders who can beat Brock Lesnar.

We go to credits.

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