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By Mike Johnson on 2013-12-21 18:51:29
One of the major stories on the Internet over the last few days has been about Justine Sacco, the Senior Director Corporate Communications of IAC, who wrote an extremely insensitive comment on Twitter about traveling to South Africa.

The comment (and the outrage to it) blew up virally while Sacco was on a 12 hour flight from London to Capetown, South Africa, with Sacco unaware of any of the response until she touched down.

As you can imagine, IAC quickly terminated Sacco. You can read all about that at this link.

However, the story has been a big point of discussion among WWE staffers and wrestlers this weekend as Sacco worked for the company for several years, initially as a Publicist before being promoted to the position of Manager of Corporate Communications and Publicity before moving to IAC.

Sacco left WWE for IAC in September 2011.

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