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By Stuart Carapola on 2011-04-02 15:42:30

Welcome to's live coverage of Honor Takes Center Stage: Part Two! For information on ordering the iPPV, click on the poster above.

Kings Of Wrestling vs Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly

The Kings brutally attack Cole & O'Reilly before the opening bell, and Claudio kills Cole with a hard back elbow. Hero tags in and hits a hard slam and then nails O'Reilly off the apron. Shane Hagadorn joins Kevin Kelly & Dave Prazak at the announce booth where Kevin Kelly suggests that there might be some dissension between Shane and the Kings. Cole catches Claudio with a bulldog and then O'Reilly tags in and nails a hard dropkick, and Claudio responds with a European Uppercut. Claudio tries another and O'Reilly catches the arm and gets a backslide for 2, but Hero comes in and they hit the double parachute drop on O'Reilly. Hero with a running senton for 2 and then starts unloading with heavy strikes. Claudio comes in and easily lifts O'Reilly into the air and press slams him for 2. Hero back in for a delayed atomic drop, leaping elbow into the corner, and then whips O'Reilly into a running clothesline from Claudio for 2. Claudio tags out to Hero, clocks O'Reilly with a European Uppercut, and then Hero gets a hard elbow to the back of the head for 2, then O'Reilly gets a sunset flip out of nowhere for 2. Claudio back in and a complex series of moves leads to O'Reilly slipping past the Kings to make the hot tag to Adam Cole, who comes in and takes out Claudio with a flying headscissors and then gets the knees up on Hero on a senton attempt and then catches him with a leg lariat from the second rope. Cole blocks a German suplex attempt and hits a leaping enziguigi on Hero and dodges a move from Claudio, dropkicks him to the floor, and then hits a diving flying headscissors on the floor on Claudio, followed by O'Reilly with a diving dropkick off the apron, then Cole comes back in and hits a flying bodypress for 2. O'Reilly gets Hero in a fireman's carry but Hero slips out and hits rolling elbows on both opponents and makes the tag to Claudio. The Kings go for the waterslide elbow but Cole grabs Hero's ankle from the outside and O'Reilly converts to a front guillotine on Claudio. Hero repeatedly kicks O'Reilly in the head, but O'Reilly refuses to break, and Cole comes in and superkicks Hero to the floor and follows him out with a dive. O'Reilly nearly puts Claudio out, but claudio recovers and pops O'Reilly into the air for a European Uppercut, then a double bicycle kick puts O'Reilly down for 3.

Winners: Kings Of Wrestling

Awesome opener, O'Reilly and Cole did great this weekend and got a big pop from the crowd, who chanted "that was awesome" at them. Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly arrived in ROH this weekend.

Prince Nana comes out with his entourage to introduce his latest acquisition for the next match...

Dave Taylor vs Colt Cabana

I've been looking forward to this one. They tie up and Taylor takes Cabana to the corner and breaks clean. Taylor gets a three quarter nelson and snapmares Cabana, but Cabana rolls to his feet. Another three quarter nelson from Taylor and another snapmare with Cabana landing on his feet so Taylor hits a pair of dropkicks to send Cabana to the floor where he pantomimes his shock that Taylor can still hit dropkicks. Taylor ties Cabana up again with a straitjacket hold and steps on the back of Cabana's knees to break him down, but Cabana reverses to one of his own. Taylor reverses back to the advantage and rams into Cabana's shoulder a couple of times, but Cabana uses Taylor's momentum to backdrop him across the ring. Cabana goes for a handshake and pulls Taylor in, but Taylor backdrops him and just wallops Cabana with a European uppercut, then hits a second one and traps Cabana in an armbar/crossface combo. Taylor breaks Cabanadown flat and drops elbows across Cabana's arm, then lets him out and whips Cabana to the ropes but Cabana ducks the clothesline and hits some jabs, only to eat another European uppercut from Taylor. Taylor with an ankle pick and applies a stepover toehold, then releases Cabana and stretches the leg out before smashing his elbow into the bridge of Cabana's nose. Taylor back to the armbar/crossface and Cabana makes the ropes, so Taylor breaks clean and whips Cabana across the ring, but Cabana slips through the legs, whips Taylor to the corner and hits the Flying Apple. Taylor smashes him with another European uppercut, but Cabana gets a schoolboy rollup and gets the three count.

Winner: Colt Cabana

That was terrific, so much psychology in that one and everything they did meant something. I really hope they bring Dave Taylor in again at some point, there's so much he can bring to the company both in the ring and behind the scenes.

Taylor gets a "thank you Dave" chant on his way out and Prince Nana gets mad that Taylor lost, but Barrister RD Evans tells him not to worry about it because they have another match up next...

Homicide vs Tommaso Ciampa

Ciampa sneak attacks Homicide with a dropkick, but Homicide quickly responds by tossing Ciampa to the floor and ramming him repeatedly into the guardrails, then ramming the guardrails into Ciampa. Homicide grabbed a chair and the referee pulled it away, so Homicide rammed Ciampa into the rail again. Homicide drops Ciampa throat first on the guardrail and then rolls him back into the ring where he catches Ciampa with a flying back elbow. Homicide whips Ciampa into the ropes and catches him again with an overhead release suplex. Ciampa scurries back out to the floor and Homicide goes for the tope suicida, but Ciampa's entire group jumps up on the apron to distract Homicide and allow Ciampa to sneak up from behind and pick Homicide up in a torture rack into a sitout F5 for 2. Ciampa whips Homicide hard in to the corner and hit a running knee to the jaw and covered for 2. Homicide nailed Ciampa and went up in the corner for punches and Ciampa tried to carry him out into the ring for a powerbomb, but Homicide kept drilling him and Ciampa goes down. Homicide goes for a lariat, but Ciampa kicks the arm and hits a lariat of his own for 2. Ciampa yells at Homicide and slaps him in the face, but Homicide gets fired up and goes toe-to-toe with Ciampa in the middle of the ring. Ciampa tries a charge and Homicide sidesteps him to send Ciampa back to the floor. Homicide goes out and continues the assault on the floor, then goes up to the stage and hits a running suicide dive off of the stage and onto Ciampa at ringside. That was just insane. Homicide sends Ciampa back into the ring and hits a tornado DDT and a T-bone suplex for 2. Homicide goes for another lariat but Ciampa catches Homicide for a Boss Man Slam into a backbreaker for 2. Homicide recovers and beats Ciampa down in the corner and hits the Facewash, then goes for a Butterfly something, but Mia gets on the apron to distract the referee and Ciampa hits a neckbreaker cutter for 2. Ciampa goes to finish Homicide with the powerbomb backbreaker, but Homicide slips out and hits the Ace Crusher. Homicide sets for the Cop Killa but Mia is up on the apron again and Homicide goes after her, but Ciampa sneaks up on Homicide and hits a Northern Lights Suplex for 3.

Winner: Tommaso Ciampa

Homicide is so happy for the biggest victory of Ciampa's career that he grabs a chair and brings it into the ring. RD Evans warns Homicide not to do it, so Homicide launches it at Evans and knocks him out. Mia gets in Homicide's face and Homicide grabs her by the hair, but Prince Nana is able to drag Mia to safety on the floor.

Kevin Kelly and Dave Prazak talk about how Christopher Daniels refused to shake Eddie Edwards' hand after their match last night, and Dave Prazak reminds us that Daniels refused to follow the Code Of Honor going all the way back to the beginning of ROH.

Michael Elgin vs Christopher Daniels

Daniels attacks Elgin right at the bell and beats him senseless and rams him from corner to corner. Daniels with a running forearm in the corner and then knocks Elgin to the floor and follows him with a dive over the top rope. Daniels rams Elgin into the ring apron and then into the guardrail, then back into the apron again before rolling him back in the ring. Daniels comes right back in but Elgin picks him up and just dumps him with a Bodybag. Elgin with a hard whip into the corner and follows him in with a charging clothesline. Daniels with a chinbreaker and a leaping enziguiri sends Elgin back to the floor, but Elgin dodges a baseball slide and picks Daniels up to try and ram him into the ringpost, but Daniels slipped out and Elgin hits the post instead. Elgin gets back in the ring and tries to suplex Daniels in, but Daniels lands on his feet so Elgin charges him with a shoulderblock that sends Daniels to the floor. Elgin goes to the outside and rams Daniels all the way across the ring and through the barricade. Elgin tosses Daniels back into the ring and hits a Patriot Missile for 2, then a very delayed vertical suplex for another 2. Daniels fights back and hits another chinbreaker, but Elgin nails him and rams him into the ringpost, then sits on the top rope and puts Daniels in a Boston Crab in the corner! Elgin is so awesome. Elgin goes back up top but misses whatever he was trying and Daniels comes back with jabs and a flying leg lariat. Daniels drops Elgin to his knees and hits a Northern Lariat and a second rope curb stomp for 2. Elgin blocks Angel's Wings and another second rope curb stomp and hits a twisting pump handle driver for 2, then powerslams Daniels into the corner, hangs onto him, and hits a Cyclone for 2. Elgin goes up top but misses a twisting senton, and Daniels goes for a uranage but Elgin blocks and gets an O'Connor roll into a pair of forearms to the back of the head and comes off the ropes into an STO from Daniels. Elgin scores with a back elbow, Daniels ducks a lariat, but Elgin hits a second one and yells at Daniels to get up. Elgin goes for a powerbomb, Daniels lands on his feet, and lowblows Elgin, drawing boos from the fans. Daniels regards them for a moment before hitting the BME for the win.

Winner: Christopher Daniels

Well, that was interesting. I figured Daniels might start to go down a more heelish role after last night, and it looks like some of the old Daniels will start to come back. Kevin Kelly notes that Truth Martini barely moved a muscle during that match and suggests that he might be starting to sour on Michael Elgin.

We're at intermission, and we'll be back with the second half on Page 2!

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