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By Mike Johnson on 2010-07-14 15:05:20
Longtime Florida independent staple Chasyn Rance, 27, who also appeared on VH-1's Tool Academy reality series, was arrested and charged with charged with lewd or lascivious battery for allegedly having sexual relations with a 15 year old girl several years ago in Orlando, according to The Orlando Sentinel.

The article claims that the mother of the girl (now 17) learned of the encounters after coming across the daughter's diary, where she admitted she was "feeling bad" about things that had happened while visiting her Father in Orlando. Upon learning of the circumstances, the mother contacted police in Florida and later brought the girl to the authorities. 

Rance was arrested after he was taped over the course of several conversations with the girl, allegedly admitting they had slept together and that he was sorry if he "ever hurt her." 

The article noted that the first encounter happened in Rance's home after the two had been drinking. 

Rance was released from the Orange County Jail Monday on $3,500 bond.

Rance has been a staple on the Florida independent scene for years and has also done enhancement work for WWE and TNA.  He had a brief run in the now-defunct MLW as CM Punk's Straightedge referee.

To read the article, click here.

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