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By David Sauls on 2010-07-10 09:47:48
It was a fairly decent sized crowd, not sold out but closer to full than empty.

Mark Henry beat woo woo woo Zack Ryder. Not a bad opening match.

Edge did a Cutting Edge segment with Sheamus. He said he'll beat Evan Bourne. Sheamus cut a promo on Arn Anderson and Ricky Steamboat, said that he is not afraid of Nexus etc.  The mystery GM interrupts via Bella A and a cell phone.  He changes the main event to a lumberjack match for title.

The Great Khali beat William Regal after Regal begged to be friends and put aside their differences.

Alicia Fox beat Eve to keep belt. Santino guest ref. There were a few funny spots but nothing much of a match.

Edge beat Bourne after Bourne missed a top rope move. Good match. Edge put Bourne over big.

The Hart Dynasty beat the Usos in a good long match. Usos had no heat to start the match but got some after a long David Hart Smith beat down.

The Miz cut an amazing promo before his Triple Threat match. He is dangerous and a threat. He did the you can't say my line bit, very funny. Biggest heat of the night. Miz beat John Morrison and Ted DiBiase.

Sheamus and John Cena came to the ring for the main event Lumberjack match.  The GM rings again and Bella B brings it out. The Lumberjacks are The Nexus. Good back and forth match with both Cena and Sheamus throwing each other out a lot. It ended with a DQ finish as Nexus jumped in the ring (surprise surprise).

Bourne came out as Sheamus went  to the back and is beat down.  Then Santino came out, then the rest of the faces ran down (Henry, Harts, Morrison, and Khali)....well Khali walked there and got to the ring as Nexus leaves. Then they chased them to the back (well Henry and Khali walked) and got to the end of the ramp to turn around and help bring Wade Barrett back to the ring. Cena called Khali in, judo chop, then an FU.   The babyfaces posed as Barrett limped to the back.

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