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By Chris Gaughan on 2010-01-09 11:39:25
I saw a Tweet from Jeremy Borash this morning that he was going to be on 1280 WHTK & FM 107.3 Rochester Sports Talk and I decided to listen in to the Pain Clinic --

The only big nuggets were:

- Someone big will debut at Genesis and JB does not know who just that someone will.
- TNA will be debuting a new live show online called TNA Live similar to WCW Live but video. It will have chat rooms and some kind of Facebook and Twitter presence. It will also allow fans to upload videos to youtube that they will show on TNA Live.
- JB's day job is the TNA director of digital media.
- Vince Russo wrote an 'interesting column' about working with Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan:
- Tracey Brooks and Frankie Kazarian were married this weekend.

Here is my transcript:

The hosts did a lot of trash talk on TNA before bringing Borash out including complaining that Bubba The Love Sponge was on the air, that everyone from the Hogan Australia tour got a spot in TNA despite not being a draw or being washed up, that Jeff Hardy and Shannon Moore got a job after 'screwing the company' and that Ric Flair's debut was botched. In other words, they did not kiss up to TNA before he got on.

Jeremy joined the show about 20 minutes in. The Pain Clinic is supposedly his favorite radio show in the whole world according to the promo he recorded for them, presumably another time.

TNA opening music played.

Host said Jeremy Borash will be the first person to enter the TNA Hall of Fame.

JB claimed it was quite an honor to be on. He likes to go somewhere serene when he's on the radio show so he went downstairs in the hotel to the lobby and saw the continental breakfast. 7-10 TNA wrestlers were down there destroying the continental breakfast. This is the biggest problems for the hotels --  and JB just posted a pic on Twitter of Rhino killing the continental breakfast ( -- you can see the look of fear on the staff's eyes because they will run out of food and the guests will have nothing. No bananas and no English muffins were left and the waffle station was in shambles.

Host asked if Rhino yells, more more more.

JB said that everywhere they go nice families on vacation after the weekend are completely frightened, petrified and hungry after the breakfast.

Hosts asked if TNA is forced to stay at the Econolodge now.

JB they stay at some nice places thankfully. But a lot of people check out on site of the wrestlers. JB is in White Plains. Said it was an unbelievable show last night. TNA sold it out. It had a cool atmosphere. They are in  Poughkeepsie, NY tonight and Danbury, CT Sunday.

Host saw them in Elmira, NY and it was a great show. TNA on the road is always a great show.

JB said last night was the first House Show that Kevin Nash ever wrestled for TNA. JB was on the road with Kevin. JB had another friend to give directions. It was a navigation system with Snoop Dogg. JB played a bunch of clips of it.

Hosts made jokes about how it gives directions.

JB said it took him to a bad part of town.

Hosts ask if JB had anything to do with Gary Coleman being hospitalized.  JB said he was in Orlando so he Had nothing to do with it but he might have made some phone calls.  Hosts made some jokes not repeating about trains and rear ends. Hosts said maybe it was Todd Bridges via the Hogan connection.

Finally getting to TNA Impact talk...

Host asked if it is overstating it if you say that TNA hit a home run?  JB said I don't think so. The first hour alone was great. JB says he has been around since day 1. When you have 2-3 people and a lawyer know that a deal went down like Jeff Hardy and Ric Flair -- these kind of surprises in the first hour where great. They made people watching TNA and the competition have to talk -- lots of buzz. The Harrdy debut made TNA the #1 trending topic on Twitter. TNA came out swinging right away and never stopped. You never knew what would happen next.

Host said you are off to a good start. But did you give too much too soon?  JB sure but in the context of what's going on you have Hogan and 6-7 new wrestlers show up and it's a story in and of itself. The fact that you could digest a lot in a 3 hour program but yet have questions like who will show up next is a good thing. Right now you have Flair and Hardy and someone new will be at Genesis but he really doesn't know who -- he really wants to know.

Host said they'd play devil's advocate and say that this reeks of crash TV.  JB sure whatever you want to call it but to me it did a record rating. I'm going to label it a show that did a record rating.

Host I watched both shows at the same time but enjoyed all of the TNA surprises. What was it like being backstage all day? Was everyone really nervous backstage? How was the morale?  JB said there was something in that air that day like no other day before that meant we were in for something special. I knew that there were going to be some changes and surprises that were not there before by reading the format of who he was going to interview. JB has been doing this for 11 years now and he doesn't want to know what is going to happen anymore so that he can enjoy surprises -- he likes it from the fan side now and is over having to know everything. Seeing Flair walk out of a limo was the first time that he knew he was in TNA.

Host said that Bubba shoving JB upset me. Will there be a payoff? A tuxedo match? Other host joked JB would bring in Tank Abbott with him.  JB one constant has been that I get pushed around and shoved around and keep coming back. Bubba is a friend and he's fun to work with. He brings a loyal fanbase to the table. He was really good about giving JB advice for TNA Live, which will be a video show in the same vein as WCW live. For the last year JB was in negotiation with Howard Stern's satellite channel to do a show. Bubba helped him out with it but the deal wasn't right for JB. The parameters to be able to do the show you want meant he needed freedom and he wouldn't have it. TNA live will be all about the fans and he will have that freedom. JB knows what the fanbase is sharing and he wants to share that with everyone. Bubba was really happy with what Bubba did on the show. If he shoves me again like that I'll take him out or get someone to help me.

Hosts what would your satellite show have been?  JB I haven't done radio for 10 years so it wasn't going to be something I was going to be happy with. My last real big morning gig was in Minnesota -- he hosted The Morning Trash. A consultant from NY came up with it and it only last two months before I got fired. But I wouldn't be here right now if it didn't happen.

hosts said it was a great achievement monday. They stated that the Spike TV executives liked it. What kind of process would it be to do TNA live every Monday? Would it be a lot to make it happen?  JB said I want to do Monday again this week but it comes down to dollars and cents and logistics. It means rearranging schedules but if the dollars are there and the opportunity is there I can't see how they wouldn't want to do it again. They were impressed with how this reached audiences. Nash said as many matches as he had over the years he hadn't had someone come up to him and tell him he had been seen in a show in years. JB thinks Spike sees the value.

Hosts asked if it was the highest rated show ever on Spike?  JB said Just for TNA.

Hosts asked what beat it.  JB said some UFC fights.

hosts plugged Monday's UFC show. They asked about JB letting Foley in on Monday and if JB will have Problems with Eric.  JB said this Thursday night he is going to go see Eric.

Hosts asked how close are you working with Hogan and Bischoff? Are they there working hand and hand? 
JB said he, Hulk and Dixie were the last to leave the arena on Monday night so Hogan is very serious about this.

Hosts asked did Hogan do the loop of House Shows?  JB said no but the very fact that he's getting to work with Eric Bischoff again is very interesting. Seeing Russo, Eric and Hulk makes people take notice. Despite the past they are professionals. I think eyebrows were raised when Cornette and Russo worked together but they are professionals. Over time people earn each others respect for their work ethic. I think everyone worked really hard on Monday night.

Host said I'm assuming that you guys watched the competition's show or lack thereof at some point this week. Were you guys watching their product live backstage?  JB said TNA did and he knows first hand that WWE watched them. JB has not seen the show yet but will watch it when he's home. He's still friends with Bret Hard so he hopes it goes well for him. No matter who you thought had the better show the wrestling fans won Monday night. They got a better show out of TNA and Vince and it's all about competition. 10 years ago 11 million people watched combined and they had things to talk about -- who's going to show up, who's going to win. That happened again. You can't argue that the fans won on Monday and over time you'll hear that more.

Hosts said a lot of lessons have been learned bout working together professionally so it should get better. 
JB said not everyone will be on the same page for every idea but Dixie and Hulk are working together and everyone will get on the same page and be the final word.

Hosts said with 8 million fans watching Monday that's only 3 million less than the peak 10 years ago so hopefully the fans are on the precipice of joining with Hulk there now. Said he wants to talk about TNA Live. WIll there be a chat room like with WCW Live?

JB sure this is going to be rolled out more and more as they learn the technology. The chat room will be there but they'll have Facebook, Twitter and people can upload their videos to youtube and they'll show them. JB will be on location from Reading, PA Thursday for the TNA post show. In two week's hell be in London. So they'll do the show from the road. It'll be cool to see how they can interact with fans with new technology than from a decade ago.

Hosts gave TNA props for using social networking to promote their products. Is JB the mastermind of that idea?

JBs said his day job is the director of digital media. He's big on pushing Twitter, Facebook and myspace. Bill Banks runs and they work closely together. They want to be different when reaching out and interacting with fans. In the last 3-4 months he's gotten so many people on Twitter and now Dixie's on Twitter and Vince Russo is on Facebook. Fans deeper than the casual fan can give these guys ideas and Dixie listens to all ideas and they have impacted the show from Twitter.

Hosts said that Vince Russo put up an 8 page column about how serious things are with Eric, Hulk and him ( He says it's a great read. He sees so much passion in the read. He Got the feeling that Eric is doing this not for money but to help take the company to the next level. He stated that this is a lot like Hollywood writers who use Facebook and Twitter.

JB read that column twice and said Vince is an amazing person despite the crap he gets online. Once you work with him you don't doubt what he's doing there. He's got a work ethic and a vision. He says as an example Jim Cornette worked with him for a couple of months and might still take shots today but he couldn't deny how hard he works. Facebook can show how hard Vince Russo works. JB got excited after reading Russo's column that Vince McMahon had sat on his laurels. And Eric B is in a category of itself when it comes to drive. When you see he's on your team you feel like you signed Michael Jordan. He's a visionary and his drive becomes contagious. He's an incredible character on screen and behind the scenes he is a very driven individual. It will rub off on everyone.

Host likes how Vince Russo compared his passion to Vince McMahon's passion when they were peaking a decade ago. The host is happy that things are turning out great. He wants to get TNA back up in the future.

JB says thanks and then plays Snoop Dogg again.

Host asked about an Insane Clown Posse version for the navigation.

JB is looking for it.

Host says he can use it for the gathering of the Juggalos. Host asked about his recent tweets -- stated that his brother is a musician.

JB says his brother does the guitar in the theme of True Blood. He's very good in the music world. He joked some days they are on TV against each other with his brother on Country Music Television.

Host asked about him and Lacey Von Erich?

JB shot a Spin Cycle two weeks ago with Lacey and Kevin Nash but it was so raunchy that they couldn't air it so they taped it again and JB had her clean up her poddy mouth.

Host plugged the Poughkeepsie, NY show tonight and Genesis -- made the joke that it's Phil Collin's favorite PPV. They thanked him for coming out.

JB said thanks for your support and he appreciates it.

TNA theme played.

He was on for about 30 minutes. The show is an hour so they gave him a nice chunk.

After Borash was on they mentioned that Tracey Brooks and Frankie Kazarian were married this weekend

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