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By Mike Johnson on 2009-05-18 14:12:12

Taz has posted a new series of questions and answers on his official Facebook page, discussing Michael Cole, Kurt Angle and much more.  When asked what his defining career moment was, he commented, "Without a doubt making my WWE debut at Madison Square Garden in my hometown of NYC against Kurt Angle in 2000. For me at that time, making it to the highest point in the business was in the WWE and to debut at MSG proved to me that I "made it".

Chris Hemsworth has been cast as Thor in the Marvel Studios movie adaptation, which will finally end any rumors regarding Triple H in the role.  He was never seriously considered as they wanted someone who could play younger than 40s.

Eric Bischoff and Bill Behrens have been brought on as expert witnesses by Live Nation, the former Clear Channel Entertainment, in the lawsuit brought against them by Sal Corrente's WrestleReunion event.  The lawsuit, which was filed in November 2007, alleged breach of contract and that WrestleReunion, LLC suffered damages including "loss of revenue, incurred expenses, loss of profits, and loss of business opportunities" after signing a contract to become involved with Clear Channel Entertainment Television only to see Clear Channel fail to live up to their end of the agreement.  The breach of contract claims also alleged that Clear Channel failed to market or distribute the 2004 and 2005 events, that hours of footage filmed by Clear Channel are "missing", including "two days worth of interviews" that were filmed for a documentary and a Mick Foley comedy show, and that Clear Channel did nothing to market several interviews that were released on DVD.  Wrestlereunion has brought on Colin Bowman, who worked production for several wrestling projects with Jimmy Hart in the past as their own expert witness.  One thing that really stood out to me reading the most recent collection of documents regarding the case is that the project lost well into the six figures, over $500,000 total.

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