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By Martin Drury on 2008-06-12 19:02:25

I just got back from TNA’s first ever show in Liverpool, England at the Olympia. Show wasn’t a sell out before the doors opened but definitely was by bell time. Outside the building crew members were giving away some free merchandise to a few lucky people, also a load of TNA Impact video game flyers. T-Shirts were £18, programme £10. I sat in the Upper Balcony and it was so packed that in the end people who couldn’t find a seat just stood in the aisles.


The crowd were electric, probably from start to finish the loudest I’ve been a part of, Earl Hebner was hated by the majority in attendance, many ‘you screwed Bret chants’ this is how it went as best I can remember….


JB came out to a great reception, he then fell into the ring and played it off as he meant to do it, said it was great to be here, also he said they had a special treat planned after the main event so don’t rush off home.


X Division Title Match

Petey Williams beat Sonjay Dutt & Jay Lethal

A few good high spots in this, quite a loud ‘Sonjay Swallows’ chant went on for a while. Petey Williams finally getting the pin over Jay Lethal, I believe with the Canadian destroyer.


JB was on the mic a lot all night, showed an exclusive trailer for the upcoming TNA Impact video game and announced it’ll be out in the UK in September.


James Storm & Awesome Kong beat Doug Williams & Gail Kim

After the match, JB announced Doug Williams has signed a TNA contract and will start in around a month.


Rhino came out and challenged anyone in the back to a match, out comes…..Abyss!


Abyss beat Rhino with the Black Hole Slam.


AJ Styles beat Robert Roode

AJ Styles was ridiculously over, after the match AJ got on the mic and said they kicked off the tour in Liverpool for a reason, also JB said the Liverpool Olympia would be in the video game thanks to AJ Styles.




Out came the TV cameras, Kurt Angle came out and said he had a neck injury that would not allow him to wrestle but he’ll be back in action real soon. Puts over TNA and how important the UK is to them, he then left to a huge ovation. JB said that segment would be on Bravo and Spike TV in about 3 weeks, and it’ll be available from tomorrow.


TNA World Tag Team Title Match
LAX beat Motor City Machineguns

Really good match with Hernandez doing a crazy dive to the floor over the top rope. Earl got some serious heat during this match, while it was happening Hernandez who was on the ring apron, was cracking up laughing.


TNA World Title Match
Samoa Joe beat Booker T after using the Kokina Clutch

Booker came out first and got some heat saying everyone better buy some Merchandise because he needs a better locker room. Joe was loved but the match failed to live up to the previously advertised Angle Vs Joe.


After the match, Joe spoke how Liverpool is great etc He said he wished he could take everyone backstage and provide them with autographs but he couldn’t do it, so they are going to bring backstage to us.


Basically many wrestlers stood around ringside signing autographs for everyone in the building, Abyss, Earl Hebner, Robert Roode, Doug Williams, LAX, MCM, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and more.


Also in another room Kurt Angle and Booker T were signing autographs and having pictures taken with people, great gesture to finish off the night.


Overall good show, great crowd, a little disappointed with the quality of the Main Event and the show lasted only 2 hours 10 minutes with a 20 min intermission.……maybe I’m being selfish in wanting a little more. Everyone in the building went home with an autograph and definitely knowing TNA had a video game out in September, they pushed it hard all night. TNA run in Liverpool again tomorrow night.


Martin Drury
Elite Member

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