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By Jason Wollsen & John Borchardt on 2008-05-14 08:51:30

Thanks to Jason Wollsen for sending along Smackdown Spoilers from last night in Michigan: 

Prior to ECW, Jimmy Wang Yang defeated Ted DiBiase Jr. 

Edge cut a promo about his miracle recovery from injury and promised to win the World Title at the PPV.

Vickie Guerrero yelled at Theodore R. Long for being late.  Long revealed he was in Stamford at WWE HQ and that the Board Of Directors said Vickie had to wrestle tonight or she'd be removed as General Manager. Vickie fired Long, and claimed she was going to quit.  Long then told Vickie her opponent was the Undertaker.

CM Punk defeated Chuck Palumbo.

MVP, Finlay and Big Show all went to Vickie to complain about the Championship Chase being a setup for Edge to win.  Vickie put Show & Finlay together as a team against MVP and a partner to be named.

Michelle McCool defeated Layla.

Big Show & Finlay defeated MVP & Mark Henry.

Vladimir Kozlov defeated Funaki.

Vickie announced that she was changing her match to a handicap match with Edge, Chavo Guerrero, Bam Neely, Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins teaming with her against the Undertaker.

Cherry defeated Maryse.

Matt Hardy defeated Shelton Benjamin.

The Undertaker vs. La Familia had no ending. Chavo and Neely walked out, so it was Edge, Vickie & The Edgeheads vs. The Undertaker. Vickie stayed in her wheelchair, while Undertaker fought the three men and tried to get near her. Undertaker finally got to her and went for a chokeslam, but Edge gave him a spear. The heels left the ring and Undertaker was left standing.

After the taping, Undertaker grabbed the heels and was jointed by Kane in beating them down. Undertaker tombstoned Vickie to a big pop.

Thanks to John Borchardt for sending this along:

The arena was about 40 percent tarped off as apposed to when Raw was here last time (8 months ago) and it was almost sold out. Everyone was shocked CM Punk lost clean to Miz on ECW. After the Smackdown taping ended Undertaker tombstone Vickie then left and then Mick Foley and Kane were in the ring and Foley was getting Kane to do the Dude Love dance, and Michael Cole joined them. Then as the lights came up Foley grabbed the mic again and teased a guy with a sign asked Foley for a hug on his birthday. After a few seconds of more teasing Foley hugged the guy.

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