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By Dave Scherer on 2006-12-04 17:41:00

As Mike reported a few minutes ago, Paul Heyman is gone from WWE.  From talking to a number of people in the company, the impression I received was that Vince McMahon was irate about how awful the PPV was last night and wanted to pin the blame on Heyman for it.  Anyone who knows anything about Heyman's booking, as I have for years now, have a pretty good idea that the show was much more McMahon than Heyman.  But according to people I spoke with, Heyman got pinned with the blame for it with the theory being that "he is caught in the past and doesn't understand the new vision of ECW".  You know, the vision that ends PPVs a half hour early and makes the fans boo what WWE creative books for them.

The problems started yesterday at the ECW PPV when everyone realized that the show really stunk.  Heyman was said to be unhappy with the way that the show was booked (big shock right) and sources backstage told me that he voiced that concern both before the show and after it.  People at TV told me today that it was obvious that there were issues between Vince McMahon and Heyman because of the how the show played out on pay TV, with everyone knowing it was a disaster.  Problems carried over from last night and led to the incidents that happened today.  

A number of sources told me that there was a meeting today around two o'clock with Heyman, Vince McMahon and Stephanie McMahon-Levesque at the building.  Heyman came out the meeting and seemed like his normal self, with no one I talked to having any idea that something bad had happened.  Shortly thereafter, Heyman gathered his things and left the building to go home. 

The word going around from everyone I talked to is that this is not a storyline in any way and he is legitimately done with the company.

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