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By Dave Scherer on 2024-05-08 10:00:00

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Ric Flair…Who would have thought? 

Yeah, it's sad for sure.  The flip side is, seeing how he has acted over the last few decades I can't say that I am surprised.  Some people just have that kind of personality.

My question is, if TKO is looking to maximize profit for WrestleMania and base the location off of that, then how likely is it that we are going to start seeing repeats of hosts for WrestleMania, much like Super Bowls? 

I think it's very likely, as Minnesota just found out with Mania coming to Las Vegas next year.  TKO is not Vince McMahon.  They have a different vision of what WWE is and as long as business is booming, I expect them to go where the money is.

Could WrestleMania come to us from Saudi Arabia?

Could it?  I guess.  I think TKO would think long and hard about that though.  Despite the product being great right now, I still know fans that won’t support WWE at all because they run there.  I also know people that do support WWE, but will skip that show because of the reputation of the Saudi government.  I don’t know that WWE would want to deal with any backlash that would come with running there.  I could see Mania going somewhere outside of the US at some point however.

Also, with how much TKO loves Vegas, do you believe there is a chance that Vegas will just become the permanent home of WrestleMania if they keep paying the most for it?

I don’t think that happens.  I think that they want to maximize value for Mania and will need more than one locale to do that.  With that said, I could definitely see them going to a rotating set of high end buildings, and Vegas definitely has one of those.

What's with The Wrap doing a hatchet job at The Rock?  Reading the article and seeing that they reached out to people in Amazon and WWE who both told them the story was not true, surely that should kill the story?  He has a busy schedule, so it would be understandable if he was occasionally late, but the claims in the article just don't seem to ring true to me, people just wouldn't work with him.  They only part that could be verified as true was that he was late to one of The World during WrestleMania weekend, which I believe was well known to be due to protesters causing 2 - 3 hour traffic delays.

I have no idea but when I read the piece all I could wonder was why it was even written in the first place.  Maybe someone there had an axe to grind, I don’t know.  Whoever put their name on that piece should be embarrassed.

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