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By Mike Johnson on 2024-05-03 19:15:00

Ash by Elegance with her personal Concierge vs. Havok with Rosemary

Ash's Concierge said he needed to cleanse the ring because it was demonically possessed, so he went to get some Holy Water from the local cathedral.  After that, he introduced Ash.  

Havok used her power early.  Ash avoided a charge in the corner and went for a handspring elbow but Havok caught her and locked on a full nelson.  She slammed Ash down but Ash rolled to the floor.  She and Concierge tried to go over strategy but Havok dragged her back in and continued to manhandle her.  She went for a DVDR but Concierge tossed Holy Water into her eyes.    She dropped Ash to argue with Concierge but Ash snuck up behind her and nailed a powerbomb off the ropes.  Concierge tried to make Rosemary go away but she drank the Holy Water and spewed red liquid before chasing him to the back.  Ash rolled up Havok and scored the pin.  

Your winner, Ash by Elegance.

Ash choked out Havok with a string of garlic and then beat her with a chair.  She nailed a swanton off the top with a chair placed atop Havok.  She then nailed a DDT on the ramp.

Backstage, Broken Matt Hardy presented Speedball Mountain with "coats of arms" for House Hardy and promised to make The System obsolete.

Joe Hendry vs. Zach Wentz.

Hendry cut a promo saying their locker room is full of people who have beaten The Rock, Kurt Angle, The Undertaker and Bushwhacker Luke.  He then said he topped the iTunes charts in multiple countries and in the UK, he was #6.  So, the entire world was chanting "We Believe" and what they believe in is him.

Wentz attacked Hendry and nailed a dive to the outside.  Back in the ring, Wentz was ripping at Hendry's face and bit at his face.  Wentz hit a series of elbow to the face and shoulder and then lit him up with a flurry of kicks.  Wentz went for a dive but Hendry caught him on his shoulders and marched back into the ring with Wentz on his shoulders.  He tossed Wentz into the ring and then nailed a clothesline in the corner.

Wentz kicked off a charge but was caught in the air and hit with a big Fall Away Slam.  Wentz came back with a series of kicks and a stomp.  He came off the top with a swanton for a two count.  They battled until Hendry scored the pinfall after his finish.

Your winner, Joe Hendry!

Solid, competitive bout.

TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions Spitfire with Lars Frederiksen vs. Alisha Edwards & Masha Slamovich.

Lars joined the announcers at ringside.

Masha and Luna started out.  Spitfire nailed some double-team maneuvers to score several two counts.  They held Masha up for a long vertical delayed suplex.  They had a short bout with some good action before Edwards and Masha scored the win and the titles.

Your winner and new TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions, Alisha Edwards & Masha Slamovich! 

Rich Swann vs. Jake Something.

Swann used his speed to evade Something and drilled him with some fast kicks.  Swann was caught with a series of running shoulderblocks.  Swann went for a leapfrog but Something knocked him out of the air.  AJ Francis distracted the referee, allowing Swann to nail Something to the floor, where Francis nailed him.  Swann began focusing on Something's leg, kicking away at it to wear him down.  Something absorbed the abuse and fired up but was taken down.  Swann stepped on his back, choking him against the ropes.  Francis nailed a right hand from the outside.

Swann went for a sunset flip but Something held on.  He grabbed Swann by the throat but Swann escaped and nailed a kick to the head.  Something made a comeback with a torture rack into a spinebuster for a close two count.  Swann escaped the Black Hole Slam and nailed a kick to the face.   Swann went to the ropes but Something drilled him with a forearm in mid-air.  Something went to rebound off the ropes but Francis pulled the ropes down.  Something crashed to the outside.   Francis attacked him, but the referee saw it.  The referee was going to call for a DQ but Cody Deaner came out and said that he could call for the DQ but if the fans wanted it, he could just chop down that Dollar Tree.  The fans chanted Dollar Tree.  Deaner went after Francis but was chokeslammed on the apron.  That allowed Something time to recover and hit a big dive to the outside on Francis.  Swann hit a big dive to the outside and then hit a handspring cutter.  Swann nailed a frog splash off the top and scored the pin.

Your winner, Rich Swann!

Jonathan Gresham vs. KUSHIDA.

Gresham is now wearing a demonic black mask.  They are battle back and forth with some nice wrestling.  KUSHIDA cinched in a surfboard variation,  Gresham fought to his feet and made it to the ropes before drilling KUSHIDA with a back elbow.  KUSHIDA responded with some stiff chops.  They battled back and forth.  Gresham grabbed KUSHIDA's arm and bit it.   Gresham took control and cinched in a Boston Crab.  KUSHIDA escaped but Gresham rolled him up and used the tights for a two count.  KUSHIDA came back and went for the Hoverboard Lock.  They went into a nice back and forth series of near falls.  KUSHIDA nailed a kick to the back.    Gresham coughed some sort of black substance and used it on KUSHIDA's face before pinning him.

Your winner, Jonathan Gresham!

Coverage continues on Page 3!

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